I'm not going to rant about how I hate Christmas or how I love it. I do usually love it to be honest, but this year the only thing I'm looking forward to is the break from school.
Of course I want the presents, but I'm not looking forward to it like I usually do. I'm indifferent to it. When Christmas comes it comes, I don't care this year. I want the break from school.
I'm not in the christmas spirit, and so my family will probably start calling me Scrooge pretty soon, which is why the fact I'm not in the spirit is bothering me. I guess that's actually a bad reason, but whatever.
that's it
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title is exlpanation enough......I have a crazy mind.....
questing many itmes. check out wishlist if you desire to help.
please do. This is taking forever.
please do. This is taking forever.