Have you ever thought for a moment about photos and drawings? Honestly do you know the difference between them? Besides the fact that a photo is from a camera and drawings are made on paper. Both of them these days are considered an art. Though is photography an art? In my opinion no it is not. It may seem artistic but I will shed my opinion on that. A photo is nothing more then a memory saved in time. There is no real thought behind in the making of it. Drawing,painting and sculpting on the other hand I consider those arts. Making a drawing it takes alot of practice and photography doesnt. Also in a drawing there is an idea behind it, scratch that not an idea but a dream. A perfect world for one to escape into, if you were somehow able to get into it. The artist wants to show the world about his and or her perfect place. Photography you can not do that, you can get close. Though you will never get exactly what you see in your mind.