wats up people its famous lily who knows exactly how u feel about stuff so if u want to know how i feel about anything post it on my profile. so today i got a reqest to tell them how i feel about parents. of course i love my parents but they can be a little demanding and quite frankly they are really demanding and if u dont do wat they say...there are alot of ways to get punished,like... well they could ground u or they could...well if ur younger they could spank u or...well there are to many different methods of punishment and i cant name them all. another thing about parents is that they are so controlling! GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM OR GO MOW THE LAWN OR, my personal favorite, GO GET ME ANOTHER BEER! I BET A HUNDRED DOLLORS THAT SOME OF U READERS HEAR THOSE EXACT WORDS EVERY DAY! now i know this is a short thing for me but seriosly there is only a couple things about parents that u guys havent figured out yet,so if u want to, listen to ur parents, but if u want to have a seemingly better life,dont.
i love u guys
and keep on posting
topics so i can keep
giving u guys my
hopefully helpful,advice!
LILY heart
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lol! pretty picture......