1. What is the current date and time? Monday, November 30th, 2009 10:44 am
2. What's your name (first only)? Aj,
3. Name spelled backwards? Ja. xD
4. What is your quest? To make gaia fun, like it was years ago.
5. Do you have a nickname? Ajoop. xD
6. How old are you? 14
7. What were you born in? a hospital. duh.
8. Where do you live now? Pensacola.
9. What state? FLORIDA. 8D
10. Ever going to move? I hope so. I hate this rat-hole.
11. Would you rather live somewhere else? I just said that... =w=
12. When do you blow out your candles? 9 days ago.
13. What day of the week were you born on? i think monday. o . o
14. What's your zodiac sign? scorpio biznitch
15. Do you know what that is? ... a scorpion. right?
16. Sex? p***s.
17. Height? your mom
18. Weight? your dad
19. Eye color? hazel
20. Hair color? currently died blue-black
21. Any siblings (yes/no)? yep.
22. Names and ages? not telling names but ages are, 11, 7, and 2.
23. Do you get along with them? half the time.
24. Have any pets (yes/no)? yes.
25. Names? 2 hamsters, jenny and vicky. and a cat named thumbs. all girls.
26. Do you have a hobby (yes/no)? no. i have no life. xD
27. What is that hobby? STFU DX
28. What do you do in your spare time? isnt that what a hobby is? Dx
29. Got parents (yes/no)? yes.
30. Names? mom and dad. o . o
31. Do you get along with them? yes.
32. Married or divorced? my parents? divorced. o.o
33. How long? IDK DX
34. Website? wth does that mean?
35. Email? i have 20 email accounts
36. AOL screen name? No.
37. Yahoo screen name? Mastertricky25
39. MSN? MoronicDemonic
40. How many people are on your buddy list? like 10.
41. Do you have a job? no.
42. How would you describe your personality? it changes a lot. but most of the time im very quiet, i keep things to myself, and im very anti-social.
43. Do you want to answer these? no.
44. What school do you go to? STFU
45. What year are you? idk what that even means. ._.
46. What are you? like, freshman and stuff? why do you automatically assume im in high school? Dx
47. What's your hardest class? math.
48. What's your easiest class? reading and language
49. What's your most fun class? i had drama. that was fun. mrgreen
50. What day did school start? i dont remember!
51. Do you have classes with friends? duh. o . o
52. Do you have friends? WTH KINDA QUESTION IS THAT DX
53. Do you go to school events (yes/no)? if i have to yes.
54. What was the last school event you attended? a pep rally of some sort.
55. Do you have school spirit? idk.
56. Do you go to dances? there was one, but i didnt have money to go.
57. Do you go alone or with someone? i didnt go. = w =
58. Do you want to answer these? No. xD
59. Do you have a significant other? no.
60. What is his/her name? no.
61. How old are they? no.
62. How long have you been going out? no.
63. Have you been faithful? no.
64. Do you have a crush (yes/no)? yes.
65. Who? idk.
66. Do they know you like them? probably.
67. You ever going to tell them? nah.
68. Do you have an online crush (yes/no)? sure.
69. Who? your face.
In the Past 24 Hours Have You?
70. Do you wonder why I'm asking these questions? because you had nothing to do other than to ask random people 500 questions about themselves.
71. Had a serious talk? dont think so.
72. Hugged someone? no.
73. Fought with a friend? yes.
74. Cried? no.
75. Laughed? duh.
76. Made someone laugh? yep.
77. Bought something? no.
78. Cut your hair? no.
79. Felt stupid? always.
80. Talked to someone you love? yes.
81. Missed someone? mhm.
82. You want me to tell you? what?? o.o
83. Smoked? NO.
84. Stolen something? yes. redface
85. Done drugs? NO.
86. Drank? NO.
87. Gotten drunk? just buzzed. redface
88. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? yes. xD
89. Been dumped? mhm.
90. Had someone be unfaithful to you? not that im aware of..
91. Hiked up a mountain? no.
92. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? Im always home saturday night.
93. Been in love? yes.
94. Seen the White House? no.
95. Seen the Eiffel Tower? no.
96. Try smoking? No.
97. Played monopoly? yes.
98. Seen Titanic? no.
99. Kissed someone? no.
100. Tried a weight loss program? no.
101. Jumped on a trampoline? yes.
102. Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? yes.
103. Had a bubble bath? yes.
104. Been on a plane? yes.
105. Been on a boat? no.
106. Been on a train? no.
107. Been in a car accident? yes.
108. Ridden an elephant? no.
109. Made a web page? no.
110. Played with Barbies? NO. O.O
111. Stay up all night? plenty of times
112. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? yes. xD
113. Called a psychic or sex hotline? hell no. o.o
114. Watched Jerry Springer? yeah
115. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? all the time
116. Been afraid of the dark? i was.
117. Been in the hospital (not visiting)? yes.
118. Had stitches? yep. xD
119. Dumped someone and regretted it? I dont think i dumped anyone.
120. Gone out with more than one person at a time? no.
121. Lied? yes.
122. Been arrested? no.
123. Fallen asleep in class? almost did
124. Gotten in trouble in class? yes
125. Used food for something other than to eat?
126. Met a celebrity? i wish
127. Broken the law? no
128. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes. o.o
129. Hated yourself? mhm
130. Been brokenhearted? yep.
131. Broken someone's heart? not intentionally.
132. Are you a virgin? yes
133. Done something really stupid? DURR
134. Been arrested? didnt you ask that?
135. Hurt a friend? yep.
136. Broken a bone? no.
137. Ever had a crush on a teacher? nah. but my spanish teacher was HAWT. redface
138. Why do you want to know? Dont even know what the hell your asking me
139. Favorite guy name? idk
140. Favorite girl name? idk
141. Favorite nationality? idk
142. Favorite color? red and black
143. Favorite holiday? christoween
144. Favorite day of the week? friday
145. Favorite restaurant? idk
146. Favorite fastfood restaurant? mcdonalds? redface
147. Favorite food? I DUNNO D;
148. Favorite animal? monkey. mrgreen
149. Favorite pet? cat
150. Favorite store? dollar tree. xD
151. Favorite mall? malls suck.
152. Favorite clothes brand? i dont wear brands. and i curse anyone who does.
153. Favorite soda? barqs root beer
154. Favorite alcohol? i dont drink. stressed
155. Favorite instrument? yo MAMA. ooooooohh~
156. Favorite season? winter
157. Favorite number? 25
158. Favorite radio station? TK101 biggrin
159. Favorite song? oooooh. I have so many. my current one though would be QWERTY by Linkin Park.
160. Favorite sport? i hate sports
161. Favorite vacation spot? never had a vacay
162. Favorite state? ive only really been in two.
163. Favorite country? USA! biggrin
164. Favorite flower? i eat flowers for breakfast.
165. Favorite perfume? PERFUME!? IM A MAN!
166. Favorite thing to do? heheh.... heh....
167. Favorite actor? george lopez
168. Favorite actress? idk
169. Favorite saying? WAPAAAH
170. Favorite car? i know nothing about cars
171. Favorite month? november.
172. Favorite cartoon? family guy counts as a cartoon right?
173. Favorite T.V. show? family guy xD
174. Favorite website? idk but its certainly not gaia
175. Favorite book? cirque du freak series.
176. Favorite quality about yourself? i have no qualities. D;
177. Favorite best friend? dont wanna name anyone cuz i dont wanna make anyone mad.
178. Favorite best guy friend? same as 177.
179. Favorite best girl friend? AGAIN same as 177
180. Favorite fruit? lemon
181. Favorite vegetable? vegetables suck
182. Favorite meat? Chicken
183. Favorite quote? WAPAAAH
184. Favorite saying? .......WAPAAH
185. Favorite type of movie? comedy
186. Favorite candy? no idea
187. Favorite language? english...?
188. Favorite magazine? magazines suck.
189. Favorite CD? Linkin Park, road to revolution
190. Favorite shirt? i had an LP shirt but mom threw it away.
191. Favorite movie? i has none
192. Favorite boob, if you are a female (hey, everyone's got one)? WTH?? O . O both boobs on every girl are the same as far as ive seen.
193. Favorite singer? singer? as in not in a band? idk. o . o
194. Favorite band? Linkin Park
195. Why are you so curious? how do you know i am? GET OUT OF MY HEAD
196. Do you like to swim? did.
197. Do you like to dance? no.
198. Do you have a pool? public pool.
199. Do you have a car? im 14, of course i have a car. (sarcasm)
200. Going to get a car? no im gunna walk every where. (again, sarcasm)
201. Your motto? Life is a d**k. Its hard, so suck it.
202. What do you look for in a friend? that theyre funny.
203. What do you look for in the opposite sex? idk. o.o
204. Time you get up? like, 7.
205. Time you go to bed? around 11-12.
206. What color are the sheets on your bed? black.
207. How many pillows do you have on your bed? 3.
208. Have you ever skip school? yep.
209. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? no. o.o
210. What did you eat for dinner? pizza. biggrin
211. What are you wearing? shorts and a black t-shirt.
212. What movie makes you cry? click mad me cry near the end. D;
213. What book makes you cry? almost every book ive read
214. What song makes you cry? quite a few, but the main one is Best Days by Matt White. (i think thats his name)
215. What/Who makes you laugh so hard you cry? yo mamas face. OOOOooooooh~~
216. What is your favorite possession?my DSi. redface
217. What physical, tangible possession do you want most? no idea what your talking about.
218. How badly do you want it? lulz. redface
219. Have you ever seen The Exorcist? no.
220. How long did it take you to understand why that question is here? i dont give a crap why it is. Dx
221. Does Christmas music played too far away from Christmas annoy you? yes. >:U
222. How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older? 21. when im that age, id like to stop getting older.
223. What was the best Halloween costume you ever had? mom doesnt belive in halloween
224. What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? = w =
225. What holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning? (insert answer here)
226. There are currently no federal holidays during August-what should be put there? . . . AJ DAY 8D
227.How good is your short-term memory? idk
228. How good is your short-term memory? wth?
229. (Not very good I see, I repeated that question, did you notice?) yes i noticed! Dx
230. How good is your long-term memory? uhh... okay i guess.
231. What is your earliest memory? when i was like 7, i lost my toy dog, then i found it and i held it up in the air while it rained sunshine and angels flew.
232. What is your happiest memory (other than receiving this survey)? WTH. HOW WOULD THIS SURVEY BE A HAPYP MEMORY. IM DIEING HERE. DX
233. What is your strangest memory? idk
234. What is your worst memory? rather not look for it.
235. Have you ever heard of Snyder's pretzals? yes. o.o
236. What is the current date and time now? Monday, November 20th, 2009, 11:19 am.
237. What size are your feet? no idea.
238. If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? push them away like a jerk.
239. Do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going "blind"? getting to know them over a period of a year or so THEN going for it. xD
240. Could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member? yeah..
241. Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? GOD YES. DX
242. What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? i dunno. xD
243. Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? i dont know. D:
244. Do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking? nah. xD
245. Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last? uhhm. i havnt had sex, but I probably would.
246. Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69? i did right there because its such an absurd question.
247. Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? no xD
248. Do you actually know your Social Security Number? maybe?
249. Do you actually know your IP address? wth is that? DX
250. Do you know what an IP address is? obviously not.
251. Do you know the four-character extension on your ZIP code? no.
252. Ever think there were too many numbers floating around in our lives? yes. so stop saying numbers. ; ~;
253. Does your head begin to hurt when you think of infinity,imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc.? since when do i think of those things?
254. What do you think of pi, you know, 3.14152967 etc..? its a number. thats what i think
255. Do you have a driver's license? GOD DAMN IT IM FOURTEEN DX
256. Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it? no.
257. What celebrity's autograph do you want most? no idea
258. Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who? actually yes, people keep saying i look like jake off of two and a half men. x3
259. If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)? me. = w =
260. Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can't remember who they are? yeah D:
261. If you could enter any celebrity's mind like in "Being John Malkovich", whose would you enter? wth??
262. Do you want to be John Malkovich? who the hell is that?
263. Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? just for a day or two, jsut to see what it would be like. xD
264. What do you love most about the other gender? O.O.......
265. What do you dislike most about the other gender? nagging.
266. What do you understand least about the other gender? i d unno. o.o
267. Mac or PC? yo mama Oooooooh~~
268. How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer or is it only as long as it works? dont care at all. as long as i can log into playlist im fine.
269. Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation? yes
270. Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone? no.
271. Have you ever bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? no.
272. If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been? damn... i know mom told me but i totally forgot.
273. Would you name a child of yours after you? maybe.
274. If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with? Samuel. xD
275. What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? no one has ever mispronounced any part of my name.
276. If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)? probably not.
277. Like to give hugs? no.
278. Like to walk in the rain? yes.
279. Sleep with or without clothes on? with. on rare occasions without.
280. Prefer black or blue pens? black. hate blue pens.
281. Dress up on Halloween? no.
282. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? right side.
283. Think you're attractive? not really.
284. Do want to get married? mhm
285. Do you have a goldfish? no.
286. Ever have the falling dream? no.
287. Have stuffed animals? did.
288. Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? when you die you rot in the ground. = w =
289. Do you think God has a gender? gos is a lie. just like the cake.
290. Do you think science counteracts religion? mhm
291. Do you believe in organized religion? no
292. Where do you think we go when we die? rot in the ground. like i said,
293. How easy is it to make you laugh? very.
295. Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't? yeah
296. Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't? yes. xD
297. What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile? bewbs. xd
298. What do you think is the funniest thing you've ever said or written? "If you have a second brain you might as well use it."
299. Do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching, when someone's watching? yes. no.
300. What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard? lady gaga's poker face. *shudders*
301. What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better? no idea.
302. What song(s) are constantly in your head? In The End and Numb
303. What song(s) do you think describe your personality best? no idea.
304. If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use? wait, like turn a crush into a song? O.O
305. If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used? wth? Dx
306. What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to? cant think of any.
307. Do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original? nah.
308. Who's your favorite Star Wars character? i know like 3 or 4 peope off of star wars. but id say R2-D2. o.o
309. What kind of movie do you think there should be more of? porn flicks containing me and yo mama. Ooooooh~~
310. What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of? no idea what the hell you just said.
311. When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness? taste.
312. What's your favorite kind of cheese? nacho chez! mrgreen
313. What do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality? uhh... that I tend to keep cheese to myself? (ohaha its a joke)
314. If you knew exactly what went into Chinese food,hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it? i dont eat chinese of hamburger meat. redface
315. Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? nah.
316. What a unique category, don't you think? not really.
317. Are you sure you have friends? yes.
318. Best friend? yo mama Ooooooh~~
319. Second-best friend? Yo daddy Oooooh~~
320. Email the most? i dont email anyone.
321. Call the most? i dont call anyone.
322. IM the most? That'd be either Shay or Sam.
323. Best friend of the opposite sex? yo Mama! Oooooh~~
324. Best offline friend? i dont know anyone in this rat-hole of a town.
325. Best online friend? Yo mama~ oooooh~~
326. Which friend do you dislike the most? if i disliked them, they wouldnt be a friend.
327. Person you can always confide in? wth does that mean. o.o
328. Person that you can talk to for 12 hours straight and never get bored? yo mama! oooooh~~
329. In a fight or annoyed? what??
330. Friend's house you sleep at the most? i dont sleep at anyones house but mine
331. Friend's house you wish you could sleep at but can't? haha.
332. Who is the first number on your speed dial? i have no one on speed dial
333. Who would you take away on a week vacation? diabolical!! *winks*
334. Craziest? yo
335. Weirdest? mama
336. Most fun? oooo
337. Saddest?oooh
338. Quietest? ~~
339. Who knows you the best? yo
340. Who do you know the best? freaking
341. Who do you like to shop with? mama
342. Talk with? biznitch
343. Trust the most? i trust no one
344. Flirt with? i flirt with everyone.
345. Laugh with?i laugh with everyone
346. Give advice to? i give everyone advice
347. Who gives you advice? Yo mama! oooooh~
348. Best singer? the only person ive heard singing is chris and he sucks balls. xD
349. Best athlete? idk
350. Who is the nicest? everyones nice.
351. Who is the meanest? everyones mean.
352. Best dancer? im getting sick of these questions.
353. Best writer? no one writes
354. Best smile? no one smiles
356. Best dressed? no one gets dressed
357. Best shoes? no one wheres shoes
358. Who doesn't care if they lie? no one lies or tells the truth
359. Who can't lie? everyone can lie
360. Most innocent? idk D;
361. Most innocent looking? shay, but shes so not innocent.
362. Rebel? yo face
363. Moodiest? yo butt
364. Happiest? yo theighs
365. Cutest? yo a**
366. It's because I'm bored, can't you figure that out? i hate you so much.
367. Religious? am i? no.
368. Try to be fashionable? no..
369. Think fashion is important? not at all
370. Get along with your family? half the time
371. Get along with your friends? yes.
372. Get grounded? all the time
373. Know any foreign languages? im slowly learning some malaysian.
374. Run into walls/doors? yeah xD
375. Blonde? oh no.
376. Who do you talk to most online? i talk to lots of people online
377. Who do you talk to most on the phone? i talk to no one on the phone
378. Are you a bum? WOOO GO BUMS!!!
379. Do you get online a lot? every day for ten hours. (HOLY s**t!!) i dont use the computer at all on the weekends though,
380. Do you shower? yes! Dx
381. Do you hate school? mhm
382. Do you have a social life? no. xD
383. Do you trust people easily? oh no
384. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s)? who hasnt
385. Are you a dare devil? not really
386. Would you ever sky dive? maybe... O.O id shat myself though.
387. Do you like to dance? i guess.
388. Are you funny? mhm.
389. Are you a serious person? i can be
390. Do you make friends easily? no
391. Do you work out? no
392. Do you like to work out? DURR HURR HURR
393. How much can you bench press? I DONT KNOW DX
394. How much can you lift? I DONT KNOW DX
395. Are you a popular person? no.
396. Do you have plans for your future? none.
397. Do you plan to go to college? dont know.
398. Do you play sports? no.
399. Do you like sports? no.
400. Do you play an instrument? no.
401. Know what you want to be when you get older? no.
402. Ever been out of state? yes
403. Out of the country? no
404. Do you like to travel? mhm
405. What do YOU think of the way you look? uhh.... im a dude.
406. What do YOU think about your attitude? im anti-social.
407. What do you think about life after death? there is no life when you die. you rot in the ground.
408. What do you think about karma? it hates you. xD
409. What do you think about love? its a lie!
410. What do you think about fate? fate is fate.
411. What do you think about yourself? im a man.
412. What do you tell yourself if times get hard? hehe. you said hard.
413. What would you give your life for? nothing. its my life.
414. What do you think about your first love? uhh. shes my best friend. xD
415. What do you think about the first person that loved you? how am i supposed to know when people love me? no one tells a damn thing nowadays!
416. What are you scared of? I AM SUPERMAN I FEAR NOTHING.
417. Do you cry easily? yeah. redface
418. Who/What is something/someone that has touched you? wth is that supposed to mean? O_O
419. What was the saddest moment of your life? id rather not.
420. What would life be without friends? gay.
421. Without family? gay.
422. Without you? world peace.
423. Are you deep? i can be.
424. Do you think love is once in a lifetime, or just chance? its all chance. life is but a game to be won.
425. Do you like your town? no.
426. Do you wanna get out of your town? yes.
427. What design/logo is on your mouse pad? dont have one
428. What color is your mouse pad? dont have one
429. Drink a lot of water? no
430. Have a cell phone/beeper/etc.? cell phone
431. Do you like amusement parks? i guess i do.
432. Have you ever been to 6 Flags? mhm.
433. What namebrand do you wear the most? i dont wear any brands. DIDNT I ANSWER THAT ALREADY DX
434. Do you like taking pictures? oh yes! biggrin
435. Do you like getting your picture taken? NO NO NO DX the camera hates me
436. Do you have a tan? far from it.
437. Do you get annoyed easily? most of the time yes.
438. What are you hobbies? I ANSWERED THAT ALREADY
439. Do you have your own phone/phone line? what? owo
440. Do you have any posters/pinups on your bedroom walls? no.
441. Are you sick of this survey yet? I HAVE BEEN FOR A LONG a** TIME DX
442. Do you get good grades in school? no
443. How do you vent your anger? i punch things and bite my wrists and arms.
444. Are you a role model? hell naw.
445. Who do you look up to? your mom when shes on top of me. Ooooooh~~
446. Who do you trust the most? i trust no one
447. Do you have any piercings? no
448. Do you have any tattoos? no
449. Do you dream a lot? sure do
450. Do you daydream a lot? yeah xD
451. Have you had a nightmare lately? no
452. Do you have any allergies? not that im aware of
453. Do you have any health problems? no :3
454. Do you like animals? mhm
455. Do you have any pets? OMFG REPITITION
456. Do you like siblings? OMFG REPITITION
457. Do you have glasses/contacts? no.
458. Do you have braces? used to. D;
459. Do you have a job? OMFG REPITITION
460. Have you ever been fired from a job? im 14. ive never had a job. = w =
Misc. #2
461. Who did YOU want to be President? yo mama! Oooooh~~
462. Who would you vote for, if anyone, and why? (insert witty comment here)
463. Do you have a curfew? i never go outside...
464. Are you a vegetarian? no.
465. Could you be a vegetarian? yeah.
466. Have you ever thought about suicide? several times.
467. Do you like coffee? i wish i did.
468. Do you have a sweet tooth? yeah. 3nodding
469. Do you like horror movies? oh no. not at all
470. Do you like to spend or save your money? spend it the second i get it. owo
471. Do you keep your room clean? pssh, its the ******** town dump in there.
472. Do you have any chores? yeah. owo
473. Do you eat vegetables? hardly
474. Are you a flirt? yeah.
475. Are you good at flirting? i dunno. ask your mom.
476. Do you like to go to parties? no.
477. Do you still go trick or treating? no.
478. Are you an angel or a little devil? im a human. =w=
479. Do you get along with people? no
480. Have you ever just started dancing/singing in the middle of somewhere? omg yes! xD
481. Have you ever won anything? mhm.
482. Do you have a waterbed or a regular bed? i wish i did. more fun for me and yo mama! Ooooh~~
483. What size? ive run out of witty. ._.
484. Do you get bored easily? yes.
485. Do you play golf? no.
486. Do you play miniature golf? i have.
487. Do you like tennis? mhm.
488. Are you flexible? used to be.
489. Are you a sweet heart? . . . . . no?
490. Would you like to be cloned? hell no. o.o
491. What are your opinions on cloning? cloning bad. D:
493. Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the fandango? uhh..... SURE! 8D
494. Did you like this survey? no. Dx
495. Are you sorry you began filling it out? not really. you helped me kill a lot of time.
496. What questions do you wish it had asked? "how do you get along with my mama?"
497. How would you have answered them? "I get along with her FINE."
498. When was the last time you let the people you love/people who are important to you know you love them/that they
are important to you? i dont know...
499. What do you want the people who are reading this survey to know? DO NOT DO THIS SURVEY. IT IS ANNOYING AND VERY REPETITIVE.
500. What is the current date and time? Monday, november 30, 2009, 12:00.
HOE MAII LAWD IM DONE. I thought id never get done with that damn thing. = w =
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This journal will be used for anything I would like to discuss. And or rant about. Enjoy.
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Rum and Noodles
Community Member |
My !Panic! character, Yuki.
[img:8a00d510ff] Punk Goth Anime/lithian.jpg[/img:8a00d510ff]
I am a man irl. Don't touch my fake breasts.
[img:8a00d510ff] Punk Goth Anime/lithian.jpg[/img:8a00d510ff]
I am a man irl. Don't touch my fake breasts.
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![]() Neko-chan717 Community Member ![]() |
User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
im officially a stalker i think o . o
heh lulz, my code thing says agreement upstream XD