Our love is a living nightmare.
Consent mending ourselves from the vivid thoughts of anguish.
You’re never content with the emotions I feel for you.
Never satisfied with all my sacrifices.
We can not live on without the pain we feel for each other.
So you continue to rip me apart then stitch me back together.
There is not a blessed ending without destruction in the beginning.
We’ll find peace in the sweet release of anguish.
As we are crossed lovers born apart with souls stitched together.
With hate in our hearts now and forever.
There for we are crossed stitched lovers.
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The Dark Thoughts of Devi
A bunch of random pieces.
Two souls divined into equality conquering and completing in a victorious manor only in the end to fulfill eachother.
-Daveed Lazren-
Me and my twin brother Vadeed.
-Daveed Lazren-
Me and my twin brother Vadeed.