Here are some lovely and candid screen shots I took while playing La Tale heart
At first we were like...

And then we were like...

Me and Nes being badasses~

My alternate character and my brother's character being silly

A sweet kiss in Arcadia

One of my other alts...aren't those monsters so cute? They are called Moulmouls

These monsters were soooo cute, they are called Vampanelars...don't ask me I didn't name them.

My favorite monster so far...the Zombie Privaring

Funny...this is how a lot of pictures turn out for us...Nes with his eyes closed, and me looking very annoyed.

Deltini (me) doing what she does best...look menacing.

Nes was being a dummy....)=<

Me being goofy in a mechapring shaped submarine on the way to Atlantis

Nes and the Vampanelar knocked eachother back at the same time lol XD

I thought we looked like dolls here

My brother and me being silly again

(Disclaimer: I do not like Naruto...) OMG! that ghost looks like Rock Lee or whatever his name is.

That is one sexy boss...that kicked our asses x_x

More silliness

Spousal Abuse!!!

Our wedding day....awwwww


You! yes, you....

The new and improved Deltini...I gots new clothes~

RAWR!!! sulky~

This is one of the mid-bosses in the Dark Moon Castle...

Me fighting said mid-boss

Here is another mid-boss in Dark Moon Castle...hes soooo cute ^w^

This is what happens when you kill the Ninja Guardian...

This was a funny glitch...Nes died and when he did for some reason a copy of him with no gear appeared in the entrance point...btw that is how Tini looks now...she has changed a bit since my last screen shots

Pandora was a b***h to you can a bit why here:

This was a cool looking boss in the Spooky Village

More of the cool boss in Spooky Village

Tini (me) and Exse (Nes) cutting through a mob

More badassery by Nes and yours truely~

Deltini: "Thats the last time you close your eyes for a screen shot!!!" D=<

The person with that floaty red scarf thingy is a GM =D GM Ases I believe~

I hope you enjoyed my little La Tale photo album ^_^ more to come...eventually
Something_Terrible · Sun Nov 29, 2009 @ 02:34am · 4 Comments |