Guess what, my lovely beans?
Dandan's advice column has got some interested parties! Be sure to PM me
with any specially brain-boggling questions you might have and I'll feature them
Q: Is it better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all?
A: To quote Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting: "Try it." 3nodding
Q: I dumped my boyfriend and he wants to be friends... should I just cut
him out of my life?
A: I knew your boyfriend! He slept with my grandma, and they didn't even
share political views. He was an absolute cad, and I double dog dare you to
curse the rest of his life with your own poisonous company as payback.
Q: I'm having trouble deciding a major for my extended education.
A: Man, that sucks. D:
Q: What should I have for lunch?
A: You'll have to ask a lawyer about that; I don't think this article is
qualified to handle such a delicate situation. o.o;
Whew, things were really heating up at the end there. I look forward to the
next round of challenging intellectual, spiritual, and personal questions you
may have for me, chickadees!
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Daily Advice Column
Don't know what to do? Let Dandan tell you what's what.
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Dandan Pampelmousse
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We need time, only time.
What if I don't know any lawyers?
All the time, all the time.