One hundred facts about me. :'D
Let's see what's changed. O3O
1. I can't go a day without my cellphone and Ipod.
2. I wear too many necklaces.
3. I like pink. O3O
4. I like BIGBOLDtext.
5. I'm learing to glowstring.
6. I kinda suck right now. D;
7. Colors make me smile.
8. I like to make people laugh.
9. I'm free spirited. ( So I've heard. D: )
10. This needs more pink.
11. I can act super girly...
12. and super ungirly . D;
13. I'm a smoker.
14. But I'm a polite smoker. 8D If there's such a thing. lol
15. I like to change my hairstyle, a lot.
16. I did a s**t load with it this summer.
17. I'm an artist.
18. and a writer.
19. Though I'm an amateur.
20. I'm trying to get published, though I'm still in teh editing stages.
21. I believe in crystal healing.
22. I have a very unique fashion sense.
23. I do what I want. When I want.
24. I don't like people controlling me.
25. I get angered rather easily, especially as of lately.
26. I have a crush on this amazing guy. redface
27. He probably already knows. D;
28. I get to dress up like the element titanium for chemistry on December 15th. Wait for the pics. xD
29. I just cut my hair again yesterday. :'3
30. I'm rather hyperactive and social.
31. I'm in love with myself.
31. I just can't help that I'm the best thing ever. ;D
32. I like to dance.
33. I burst out in random dance.
34. It's amazing.
35. I enjoy sex Chex. 8D
36. Jewelry is cool.
37. Though I'm not that b***h who wears pearls to school.
38. I golf. :'3
39. I'm bisexual.
40. I don't go to enough concerts. :c
41. I'm the vice-president of my school's GSA (Gay-Straight-Alliance. 8D
42. I got beat by Zac. -.-
43. He's a total pushover.
44. I have a creepy stalker.
45. I'm SEVENTEEN years old.
46. I'm a junior in highschool.
47. I'm a trendsetter.
48. I want to party with you. ;3
49. I'm easily distracted.
50. I have selective hearing.
51. Meaning I hear what I want.
52. I shut out my aunt's voice without thinking about it. x3
53. I'm lonely. :c
54. Dare Bear and Alex left for something.
55. Seems I have nothing better to do with my Sunday night than write about myself; boasting to the internet. D;
56. Shut up woman, get on my horse. 8D
57. This song makes me dance.
58. I love Basshunter.
59. I like when people sing to me.
60. Even if they suck. :'3
61. Christian side hugs make me giggle. x3
62. I has teh asthma. :c
63. I miss my Klelly. :c
Let's see what's changed. O3O
1. I can't go a day without my cellphone and Ipod.
2. I wear too many necklaces.
3. I like pink. O3O
4. I like BIGBOLDtext.
5. I'm learing to glowstring.
6. I kinda suck right now. D;
7. Colors make me smile.
8. I like to make people laugh.
9. I'm free spirited. ( So I've heard. D: )
10. This needs more pink.
11. I can act super girly...
12. and super ungirly . D;
13. I'm a smoker.
14. But I'm a polite smoker. 8D If there's such a thing. lol
15. I like to change my hairstyle, a lot.
16. I did a s**t load with it this summer.
17. I'm an artist.
18. and a writer.
19. Though I'm an amateur.
20. I'm trying to get published, though I'm still in teh editing stages.
21. I believe in crystal healing.
22. I have a very unique fashion sense.
23. I do what I want. When I want.
24. I don't like people controlling me.
25. I get angered rather easily, especially as of lately.
26. I have a crush on this amazing guy. redface
27. He probably already knows. D;
28. I get to dress up like the element titanium for chemistry on December 15th. Wait for the pics. xD
29. I just cut my hair again yesterday. :'3
30. I'm rather hyperactive and social.
31. I'm in love with myself.
31. I just can't help that I'm the best thing ever. ;D
32. I like to dance.
33. I burst out in random dance.
34. It's amazing.
35. I enjoy sex Chex. 8D
36. Jewelry is cool.
37. Though I'm not that b***h who wears pearls to school.
38. I golf. :'3
39. I'm bisexual.
40. I don't go to enough concerts. :c
41. I'm the vice-president of my school's GSA (Gay-Straight-Alliance. 8D
42. I got beat by Zac. -.-
43. He's a total pushover.
44. I have a creepy stalker.
45. I'm SEVENTEEN years old.
46. I'm a junior in highschool.
47. I'm a trendsetter.
48. I want to party with you. ;3
49. I'm easily distracted.
50. I have selective hearing.
51. Meaning I hear what I want.
52. I shut out my aunt's voice without thinking about it. x3
53. I'm lonely. :c
54. Dare Bear and Alex left for something.
55. Seems I have nothing better to do with my Sunday night than write about myself; boasting to the internet. D;
56. Shut up woman, get on my horse. 8D
57. This song makes me dance.
58. I love Basshunter.
59. I like when people sing to me.
60. Even if they suck. :'3
61. Christian side hugs make me giggle. x3
62. I has teh asthma. :c
63. I miss my Klelly. :c