My formal calling is Dominik Leucious Adler.
My friends just call me Dom.
This is what you see:

If I could look in the mirror, I'd be 18.
But, looks are deceiving, I'm actually 92.
I find myself to be: Sarcastic in a good way, easy to get along with, a music lover, intelligent, but still a little lazy. He seems to like to play on a saxophone a lot, and will regularly stride in to Evonnia to play it. While secluded, or in his private quarters, he tends to play the violin and chello more often. He likes to sing a lot, having a pretty good voice for it. He has a knack for writing short stories, as well. He listens to what the Elders tell him, and seems to get along well with all of them, even the little demon child itself, treating the kid more like an adult than most. With treating the kid so, he expects the kid to also act like more of an adult around him as well, routinely reminding him to say please before demanding something.
The past isn't always important, but this is: Dominik was born in to a wealthy family. They made a move to this town some 70 years ago. He would be venturing through the night on his way home from a companion's house where he would be ambushed midway. He was dragged in to the woods and held there. Two men threatened him and bound him to a tree. The men after some time began to panic, after realizing what they had actually just done. One walked up to Dominik and slid a blade in to his side. Dominik's eyes would widen a little as it slide in. One of the two men would began to panic more and then finally both would flee. Possibly either the commotion, or the scent of Dominik's blood aroused one of vampire Elders. Dominik lay under a tree, hands bound behind him, laying with blood leaking from his side, with eyes closed. He had come quickly to accept that death was upon him. That was, until he heard a woman's voice. She spoke to him sweetly, and he saw her as an angel, but metaphorically. He was changed in to a vampire and will frequently call Lady Mariana by his personal nickname of 'Angel'. Though he realizes the contrast, he still thinks of her as his guardian, having saved him from his inevitable death.
Things I'd never take for granted:
-Playing the saxophone, violin, or chello.
And the things I've done well without:
-Ignorance of some humans
-People who find distaste in the arts.
I've acquired certain talents over the years: Increased resistance to sunlight, quick reflexes, heightened strength.
My Savior is Veer Dae Lowingrad.