The world today is as cold as the very soul of the artic circle.
The pain people feel every day spins in the web of depression.
We create are own web of dispare.
We spin it full of tears ,hate, regret,and sadness.
Its almost seems like nothing can stop this never ending chain of sadness.
some go to god.
Some go to food.
Some to drugs.
And some to suicide.
The rate of drepression is at a very high level at this time of age.
People that put a fake smile are not any better than people who cry.
If you cry you are not weak.
If you hold it in you are weak.
The more you hide it the more you denye your feelings.
There is not point in telling your self there is nothing wrong,
when you feel the way you do.
There is nothing wrong with you.
You are alowd to feel the way you do!
There is no one here who can tell you,
you cant feel unhappy.
There is also more to life that just the everyday depression.
The best part about life is that the bad days will go away as soon as you let them go.
The only way to get help about the never ending sadness and pain is to reach out.
You may not see them but there are thousands of hands reaching out to everyone in need of a push or help up.
Every time you walk out the door shouldnt be trerated as a task but as a new day...a new way!
Evey day is worth living.
We cant keep going out into the world as a gorup of socialy depressed outcasts.
We cant sit here and expect people to make us happy or help us feel better.
We are not alone but we need to learn to stand on our own two feet.
Freinds and peers are ther to catch you when you fall and give a hand to help you up.
Not to feed you the news and make you dependant.
You need to depend on you!
You are the only one who knows how to be happy!
Friends and peers are just here to remind you of what it feels like.
Happiness dosnt just stop it just gets put off.
Nothing is wrong with being sad.
You where hurt in an unfair way by this world that holds you.
Just because you where hurt dosnt mean you shouldnt bleed.
This life is yours and you controll everything in it!
The best way to feel happy is to live.
Yes the world is unfair but nothing in this life will be.
But that dosnt mean you should give up on life.
Its the best thing to do for yourself!
You are your own person and you are who you chose to be.
We cant sit here and belive in beer ,drugs and god to save us.
The only thing that can save us is ourselfs and the people around us.
We are put on this earth to help and love one another.
Though not all of us love each other we all matter.
Nothing in this world is better than you or anyone else.
We are equile and we all have a purpus in life.
Its our jouney to find out that purpus.
We all have a life and a dream.
The better we see life the better it will be.
Life is a beautiful and crule thing a good thing to do is just be who you are.
You dont need to hide who you are.
Fight for who you are and what you believe in.
The most important thing to do is to keep your head up and see the light.