If There Be Sorrow
If there be sorrow
let it be
for things undone...
to these add one;
Love withheld...
-Mari Evans
Well i kind of understood it but the only thing that I didn't get was, was she trying to say that we keep our "love locked up" we won't know true happiness? Well i guess what I'm trying to get at is what if we don't want to love will that lead us into a depressing state of life were we regret not loving/telling... we won't have what mostly every1 wants in there life wants or dreams about...we won't have a clue as to what the emotion "love" is like/ about/ or why it makes so many people happy... we won't know what they've gone through... the depression because they can't be with the "loved one" the happiness when their together.... the loveless... that must be what I am... I guess that's what I am for now...until that is....
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