Go Go Ninja Dinosaur <---- Awesome Song!~
My Cockateils Pika and Petey learned how to get outta their cages D=
Petey got snatched by mai cat Rafael hes a cream point himalayan.
Mai birdy...
but hes okay now.
Pika Im not sure what happened with him weither Rafael got him or not..
But...Mai cat Gemini is no where to be found... D=
We believe shes having her kits blaugh
So yeaaah my animals are all basically in trouble or gone...
And Now i dont see mai Himalayan. )<
Roar Damn himalayan..
But mai adoptive moma Chris is gonna draw blood from me if I dont straighten up mai act
Which I will because I love my Adoptive family..
Mai Adoptive Sister told this dude who was touching mai cuts to stop or she'd claw his face.
he kept poking mai cuts and mai face probably showed pain so yeah..
I dont think I ish gonna have alot of friends due to cutting and cuts...
But In happier news!~
I get to have a bible mai adoptive family ish buying it for me due to the fact I dont have a bible.
Mai Adoptive family is awesome..
I have 2 younger siblings there mai Sister Kelsie and mai Brother Nick..
Then theres mai adoptive mama and dad: Kevin and Chris
They're awesome they adopted me coz I think their family is awesome.
Thank you guys!~ I love you your mai family I wanted to have but never could have....
Yeah theres a whole thing with that.....
Mai grandparents are kinda mean not mai adoptive ones.
all mai adoptive family are awesome people.
Yeah i gotta scat..
Much love and hugs,
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Oh Nonsenseee c:
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yum_cupcake ~ Cupcakes ~ yum_cupcake
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