I PASSED MY SCIENCE TEST AND SOCIAL STUDIES QUIZ!!! biggrin That's what I'm happy about. The reason why I'm sad is cuz my science class has new seating arrangements tomorrow. And....I'm sad cuz, well, the people in my group were good group mates. Me, another girl, and 2 other boys. It was a good group, worked together well. Except today this one dude didn't wanna share his markers, I stole his purple marker. whee The other girl was tons of help with the project our group was finishing up. smile But the other dude, no not the one who didn't wanna share his markers, was using my Sharpie. smile May not seem important, but it is. Cuz...I like that dude, in real life. I'm talking real life here, people!!! Sorry, off subject, anyway..so...back to the story. smile So, now I'm sad cuz the new seating arrangements may not let me sit near the dude I like. Maybe...maybe not..I hope not. sad I just really wanna sit near him, or better, next to him! heartheartheartheartheartheart
PEACE OUT! And I pray that I will sit next to the dude I like for the new seating arrangments. cryingheartheartheartbiggrin