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View User's Journal

The cup is not half empty as pessimists say.
Personal You

Name?: Kara.

Height?: 5'1

Eye Color?: Blue-green, left eye is half brown.

Hair Color?: Brown.

Gender?: Female.

Glasses?: Oh no.

Contacts?: Nope.

Braces?: No.

Smoke?: Of course not.

Drink?: Every day. Hah. No.

Sexual Orientation? Strrrraight.

Your Family

Mom?: Yes.

Dad?: Yes

Sister(s)?: Yeah.

How many?: Two.

Brother(s)?: Unfortunately.

How many?: Two.

Pet(s)?: Yes. : D

How many?: One.

What are they?: A kitten. Looks like a polar bear/raccoon with bright blue eyes.

Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes.

Your siblings?: Only one of them.

Do you have a lot of cousins?: Yes.

Aunts?: I guess.

Uncles?: Yeah.

How are your grandparents?: They're alright, I suppose. I'd hope.

Who is your favorite relative?: My cousin Josh.


Middle, high school? High School.

Do you like school?: Sometimes. Well, the people there.

Do you get good grades?: Sure do.

Do you like your teachers? Occasionally. Not when they yell.

Do they like you?: Of course. Who wouldn't?

What's your favorite subject?: History, Math.

Least favorite?: Science.

Have you ever failed?: No.

Ever got detention?: No.

Suspended?: Oh yes. For five days.

Expelled?: Never.

Do you like the cafeteria food?: I don't eat it.

Are you going to college?: I plan on it.

Will you further your education than college?: I want to. I like expanding my knowledge. :]


Do you have a job?: No.

When did you start?: Never.

How long have you been there?: 27 years.

Where do you work?: At my mother's house.

Do you like it?: No.

Is it good pay?: Yes.

Would you do that your whole life?: No.

Is it far from where you live?: Very far.

Do you have a special uniform or you can wear whatever?: Whatever I want son.

Do they have a lot of rules?: Nope.

Do you like anyone at your job?: It's not a job. These are stupid questions.

Who is your favorite person there?: Me.

What do you want to be if you dont continue this job?: I will get an actual job.

Why?: Because I probably need one.

Would you work double jobs?: I wouldn't want to.

Your House

Is your house big?: Not really.

Do you live in an apartment?: No.

How long have you lived there?: Since I was a little child. Like less than a year.

Do you like it?: Sure

Do you like your neighbors?: Well, they're my family.

Do you have a big yard?: Sort of.

Are there trees?: Lots of trees. I love trees.

Is there a garage or a shed?: Shed.

How many cars do you/family have?: A lot.

How many tvs do you own?: I don't know. A lot.

How many computers?: Lap top.

Do you own any video players (e.g. X-box)?: I don't. My brother does.

Do you have a lot of chores?: Not really.

Do your siblings do any?: Hardly.

Do you get an allowance?: No.

Do you have your own room?: Nope.

What color is your room?: Many colors.

How many windows do you have?: Two in my room.

Do you have your own phone?: No.

Do you have a radio?: Sure.

An ipod or mp3 player?: Yeah.

Do you have a lot of clothes?: Oh yes.

Shoes?: Yeah.

Do you have a closet in you room?: Yes.


What kind of clothes do you like?: All kinds.

Are they a specific name brand?: Yes. Well, a lot of name brands.

What about for you shoes?: Shoes. Ehh; I have a lot of different kinds. I don't like wearing flip flops though. My feet aren't attractive enough.

How many shoes do you own?: A lot.

Do you wear jewlery?: Only a ring.

What do you mostly wear?: Clothes.

What colors do you mostly wear?: White, red, green, blue, yellow. I don't know.

Do you always carry a purse/wallet?: No.

Do you like to match or have different combinations?: Match, duh.

Do you share clothes or shoes with your siblings?: Sure. Me and my sister are about the same size.

Do you wear perfume/cologne?: Yeah.

Do you wear makeup?: Of course.

What is the most expensive clothing/shoe you've brought?: I don't know.

Have you ever made your own clothing?: No.

Your love

Are you single or taken?: Taken.

If single go to question # 115

How long have you been with him/her?: Four months.

Are you in love?: I'm not sure.

When did you start dating/got married?: September 11th.

Do they know about your exes?: Not really.

Do they own a car?: No.

Do they have a job?: No.

Are they responsible?: Sure, I guess.

Would you eventualy marry them if you arent already?: I wouldn't think so, but I don't know.


Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I have one.

Do you have a crush?: No. Crushes are for 2nd graders.

Are you more for looks or personality?: I'm for both.

What qualities would you want from them?: Good qualities.

How old would they be?: My age or older.

What eye color do you prefer?: Blue, or green. Brown, I think only looks goof on certain people.

Hair color?: Dark. But it doesn't matter.

Interests?: Doesn't matter.

Height?: Taller than me.

Size?: Thin. Chubby is kind of cute,I guess. Maybe just their face or stomach. : D

Do you mind if they had glasses?: Depends on their face.

Braces?: No.

Your Friends

Do you have alot of friends?: I guess.

List your best 5: I don't have a best five.

1.: No.

2.: No.

3.: No.

4.: No.

5.: No.

How did you meet your first friend?: School.

Second friend?: :/

Third friend?: Shutup.

Fourth?: No.

Fifth?: No.

How long have you known #1?: A long time.

#2?: 29 days.

#3?: 2 seconds.

#4?: 5 years.

#5?: Two and a half minutes.

How old is 1?: 1.3 seconds.

2?: 7.

3?: 9.

4?: 25.

5?: 43.

Who is the prettiest out of all of them?: The 43 year old.

smartest?: The 7 year old.

funniest?: None. They have no sense of humor.

one who is always there?: The 1.3 second year old.

athletic?: None.

toughest?: All.

tallest?: 7 year old.

shortest?: 43 year old.

shyest?: They're not shy at all.

outgoing?: All of them.

meanest?: All.

down to earth?: Me.

oldest?: 43.

youngest?: Me.


Do you eat a lot or a little?: I can eat a lot, but I normally don't.

Do you eat snacks through out the day?: Sometimes.

What's your favorite food?: Macaroni.

Favorite sit down place?: The couch.

Fast food place?: Burger King. : D

Favorite drink?: Coke, or Sprite.

Do you like coffee?: I'm not allowed to have it.I'm Mormon.

Do you like candy?: Sure do.

Any other sweets?: No, I hate them.

Favorite dessert?: Brownies.

Do you like Italian food?: I guess.

Mexican?: Sometimes. Tacos.

Chinese?: Yes.

French?: I don't know. Maybe.

Greek?: Uh. No. Maybe. I'm not really sure.

Spanish?: I don't know.

Do you like spicy food?: Not really.

Do you like seafood?: No.

What food do you dislike?: Peanut butter, and sloppy joes. I dislike a lot of food. Those are just the worst.

Drink you dislike?: Any kind of like Grape drink, strawberry, orange juice, or energy drinks.


Do you like dark or light colors?: Both.

What color is your car?: The one I will have will be red.

What color is your house?: White.

Your parents car?: White, and red.

Your favorite shirt?: It is gray.

What is your favorite color?: Blue.

What color is your walls of your room?: Red and white.

The curtains?: Red.

Carpet?: Red. And I have some oriental looking rug, that's like giant.

Bedspread?: Blue and red, it's quilted.

Do you prefer Gold or Silver?: Silver.

Black or White?: White.

Pink or Blue?: Blue.

Music and Movies

What type of music do you like?: Rock, err whatever.

Who is your favorite rapper?: I dislike them all.

Rock Band?: Three Days Grace, The Used.

Country singer?: None.

Boy Band?: Fags.

Pop singer?: No.

Any other singers?: Adam gontier, Bert McCracken, Ronnie Radke. <3

How many cds do you have?: Not many.

Do you have a lot of mix cds or from the actual artist?: Actual artists.

Do you burn cds?: No.

Do you download all your songs on your iPod or mp3 player?: No.

Whats your favorite song and by who?: They change every now and then.

Who do you like the least?: Music? Um; a lot of people.

What genre of music will you never listen to?: Rap, R&B, Jazz.

Do you like tv or movies better?: Television.

What's your favorite movie?: I don't know.

Favorite tv show?: Um; FUSE shows, Hannah Montana.

You favorite Actor?: Actorrrr. Um, Johnny Depp, Daniel Radcliffe, I don't know.

Actress?: Kristen Stewart, I guess.

Genre in movies?: Anything.

How many movies do you own?: A lot.

VHS or DVD?: Both, I guess.

Have you got the new Blue-Ray disc ones yet?: I still don't get the whole concept of that.

Will you?: I don't know.

What is the most amount of money you spent on a movie?: I don't know.

The least?: I don't know.

Do you own more cds or movies?: Movies.

Would you rather watch a movie or just chill and listen to music?: Music

Your Opinion (Against or for) or you can explain your point of view!

Abortion: Against. It's legalized murder pretty much.

War: I don't care enough to know whether I'm for or against it.

Presidency:: For.

Prices in todays society: I'm on both sides. I don't know. Another thing I couldn't care less about right now. I'm sure I'll be against it soon.

Animal Rights:: For.

Cloning: Against. That is ridiculous. No.

The poor: For.

Guns:: For. How else would we defend ourselves? (;

Gang Violence: Against.

Drug Abuse: I'm not for. But I don't really care. If other people want to do that, well, alright for them!

Alcoholism: Well, I'm not for it.

Cancer: Against.

Lyrics in rap songs: Another one of those things I don't care about.


Gas: For.

Books: For.

School Rules: For, for the most part.

Dress Codes: For. No one wants to see that.

Jobs: For.

Elderly: For.

Young Pregnant Teens: Depends on how young. But, I'm not for or against it. I just know that I wouldn't want to be a pregnant teen.

Adultery:: Against.

Greed: Who cares?

Anger: For.

Laziness: For and against.

Obesity: Against. Not in the shallow way.

Respect: For.

Rasicm: For. Everyone's racist.

Immigration: Against.

Hitchhikers: For.They have to get around somehow.

Pimping: Against. I don't see how anyone can justify that.

Prostitution/Strip Joints: Against.

Clubs: I don't care.

Driving Age: For.

Drinking Age: For. I don't think they should allow it at all.

Have you Evr...(Done these things in you life?)

Have you ever sky dived?: Pshh. Me? Whatever.

Bungee jumped?: No.

Stole something from a store?: Of course not.

From someone?: Yeah, but nothing worth worrying about. And sometimes on accident. Which I don't think is really considered stealing.

Got lost in a store?: Yes. :/

Went on a hunt?: No.

Played Man Hunt?: Yeah.

Played Spin-the-Bottle?: No. Spin the phone. But we weren't really playing. They were just seeing who it would land on.

Truth or Dare?: Yes.

Went to a Carnival?: No.

Went to a sporting event?: Oh no.

Fought a guy?: No.

Fought a girl?: No.

Put someone in a hospital?: I wish.

Drank till you passed out?: Of course not.

Tipped a cow?: No. I'd be pretty scared. Cows are probably evil.

Laughed so hard you cryed?: Yes.

Laughed so hard you couldn't walk?: Pretty close.

Broke a bone?: No.

Done a flip or cartwheel?: Yeah.

Watched a documentary without falling asleep (BlairWitchProject dont count): No.
I don't watch documentaries.

Screamed so loud you woke the neighbors up?: No.

Got attacked by a wild animal?: No.

Ran naked through the streets?: No.

Skiny Dipped?: No.

Went to a nude beach?: Oh no. There's probably older people there. And ...eugh.

Picked up roadkill?: No. Why would I do that?

Caught a snake or frog?: Yes.

Built a car model?: No.

Won a race?: Yes.

Had a party?: Sure.

Went to a party?: Yes.

Made out in a library?: Nope.

Talked to a random stranger?: Sure.

Went to Las Vegas?: No.

Ate a bug?: Um; no.

Been a vegetarian?: No. I think vegetarians are kinda stupid. Not the one's who can't eat meat, but the ones who are like "Oh my gosh guys! That's so mean to the animals, you're killing them to eat them! You need to stop, that's disgusting. Think of how the animals would feel!"
No. Those people need to quit. I don't know if they realize it, but animals were kinda put here to be eaten. Most of them anyways. But I understand the ones that are just repulsed by the idea. That's different. But the other people need to calm down.

Tried witch craft?: When I was about 9. Haha.

Played a game for 5 hours straight?: No.

Shared a special moment with someone you never thought you would of?: No.

Went out with over 50 guys/girls?: No.

Expiremented with the opposite sex?: Depends on your definition, I suppose.

Almost thought you died?: Oh yes.

Fell up the stairs?: It's not falling up the stairs. It's called tripping. And yes.

Ratted on yourself by accident?: Heck yeah.

Glued yourself to someone?: No.

Danced like a freak?: Yeah.

Drank a whole gallon of water?: No.

Ate a big tub of ice cream?: No. Ice cream starts tasting bad to me after awhile.

Had an al-night movie marathon?: No.

3 Things

3 Things You cant live without: That's easy.

1.: Food.

2.: Water.

3.: Air.

3 Things you want to do before you die

1.: Swim with a French contractor.

2.: Visit England.

3.: Make myself better.

3 People you want to be with right now?

1.: Bradley.

2.: Lily.

3.: Bert McCracken.

3 Celebrities you'd like to meet: Okay

1.: Adam Gontier.

2.: Ronnie Radke.

3.: Bert McCracken.

3 Careers you would love to do

1.: Lawyer.

2.: Art teacher.

3.: Archaeologist.

3 things you would never eat or never eat again

1.: Peanut Butter.

2.: Sloppy Joes.

3.: Hamburger Macaroni.

3 things you should be doing now

1.: Shower.

2.: Homework.

3.: Cleaning my room.

3 things you drank/ate last:

1.: 3 Musketeers.

2.: Coke.

3.: Egg sandwich.

3 things you did before doing this survey

1.: Cleaned the kitchen.

2.: Watched the Berenstain Bears.

3.: Cleaned my living room.

3 movies you want to see right now or soon: Okay

1.: Pocahauntos.

2.: Zombieland.

3.: I don't know.

A few more questions

Do you know what time you started?: No.

What time is it now?:12:41 pm.

The date?: November, 01.

Did you take any breaks?: No.

Did anyone/thing interupt you while doing this?: No.

Did you like this survey?: Not really.

User Comments: [1] [add]
its raining kats
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 02:58am
Hi, Kara, yeah, I ******** love you. Dude I was dying as I was reading this "prettiest: the 43 year old"

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