Real Name: Toshiro Inuzuka
Years: Age-17
Gender: Male
Ranking: Ambu
Team: No team, but is almost like Hikari inuzuka’s sensei
Birth Parents: ??? and ???, one of them was part inuzuka though
Authorization: Leaf
Demon?: No, but finds them very intresting
What?: Eh… No….
Info needed: Toshiro was born in a rogue in the middle of the woods. Raised by the inuzuka clan. Obtained his own wolf named Seika, is pure black wolf with teal eyes. He decided at a young age that he wished to join the Ambu and then put his mind to training and then in a few years he took the final ambu test and became and Ambu. Now secretly tavels through the woods claiming to be a Leaf ninja and exepting his daily tasks. Sometimes when there is nothing to do he finds the girl with the three tailed turtle demon, named Hikari and attempts to help her learn the dual fang teqnique.
*Click click*:

Trash: Is not interested in getting married or having a relationship. He enjoys to fight but is so reckless that he gets injuried a lot. Offten keeps to himself and only