heart heart when people is life quickly judge you at a distance or even to your face you feel what???? injusticifed of respect?? demanded the lack of consideration you might show them??? does it really matter??? NO!!!! actions speak louder then words so it only matters how YOU react to the mean crel, and dis respect others may show... I feel that I have seen to many people including myself if prevoked quickly jump on the defence quickly ready to attack and jump into the puddle of negative wahmbulance . but step back and be aware that only you can rise from the crap and see that you alone can change it into your own postive outcome with mercy kindness. even feeling alittle sorry for their bad bad behavoir. because hate will eat you alive and love yes unconditional love can heal and feed your soul. WHY is it so hard for people to concept one inportant fact and that is GOD IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE we get to him by our actions our own inner raising to him by the actions and thoughts we ourselves are responsable for. it does not matter what religion you are ..great we all learn different IT MATTERS HOW YOU TREAT YOUR SELF AND OTHERS. it is simple really act it and be it do not talk about God then be greedy and selfish and hateful ready to judge and shunn others??what that all about!! NO!! be kind caring respecting your body inside and mind doing to others as you would have be done unto you right?? love pure unconditional love is loving with tolerance of others flaws and understanding we all learn lessons in life on different levels it is not ok to judge. it is so sad that what people do not understand they put judgements, hate, picking out flaws..why can something you do not understand come tolerance accepting, even just walking away leaving be whatever floats others boats as long as you are doing your own thing BEAT to the drum of your own song YES!! stand out being different and proud you are unique a vessel of God able to share LOVE. there is always enough NO it does not make you weak to share and give huggs and smiles and kndness to stangers..it might be the highlight of their life..do not be held back for fear of rejection so what people reject thats the whole problem i am having there should be more people GIVING and CARING and LOVING thats what we do. unconditional love is giving and caring and loving but not to only select people and thats it or maybe once in a while no it is caring and kindness and loving TO ALL YOU MEET AND EVEN NOT EVEN KNOW THOUGHTS are kindness and a blessing OF LOVE and IT is sooooo vidal to share with as many as we can while we are alive. 4laugh ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS heart AND NO I do not what to hear oh maybe.... rofl in a perfect world people would BE KIND... no!! IT STARTS WITH US!!! heart blaugh ninja that is an excuse and as my favorite band 311 says there is always an excuse when you need one. heart heart razz .fact it starts with each and every single one of us . as we shine our light even when we get rejected, judged and laughed at we still care kindeness and giving love shouting to all I will keep shining my light as a example of what we all should strive to show LOVE pure unconditional GOD LOVE thru us as a vessel as a beautiful gem of God shining 100% our best that ACTIONS speak louder then words and it is possiable to love everyone unconditionally respecting the soul not the actions of others with mercy and kindness healing humans soul with the GREATEST GIFT that God gave US LOVE it is NOT hard to Do act it and you will become it LIVE it and you will FEEL it walk it then you may talk it......love and be loved
![]() Gods rainbow starr Community Member ![]() |