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Kiko's journal of my life!!!
This is my journal where i will put my peoms, storys, places i will be going to, school days, my fav animes and others thigs...(etc...)
Soul Eater Story: Part 2

The wind blow kinda hard now and a chill dripped down my back as i shivered now. "Where did this wind come from all of a shudden?" i told myself looking up at the sky. The sun still hid behide the clouds, but you could still feel the suns ray. "Wonder when the sun will come out soon?" A vocie came from behide me now. I looked over my shoulder to see Maka and Tsubaki. It seemed there partners weren't with them. "It should come out any day Tsubaki!" The ponytailed girl with the ligh brown hair told her. She then looked at me with a smile and a wave. I flicnhed alittle turning my head back to where i was walking. "Hey! Your Murasaki! Aerial's partner right?" Maka talked out to me. They were on the side of me in a flash now. I couldn't speak right away before Tsubaki cut Maka off. "Maka! You're scareing her.." Tsubaki told her in a low tune. Maka looked up at Tsubaki with a funny face on. "Know i'm not Tsubaki!~ I only asked her something!" MAka laughted alittle turning to face me now but as they talked i was able to get away from them. " isn't that right Mura....uhhh? Where did she go?" Maka wondering looking around. "See i told you maka-chan~" Tsubaki told her with a giggle. "I guess i did!? oh well we'll see her at school!" Maka proudly said and countined to walk off with Tsubaki to school. I was beathing heavy now from after running from them. I don't know but it was just to hard to talk to them. Seeing them with Aerial they would always laugh and joke around. And i was glad that Aerial wasn't the kind to not make friends like i couldn't. That was a good thing. i coutinued my long walk to the school now walking alone. And thats how i liked it unless if Aerial hadn't over slepted then we'd walk together in slinese or he would talk about what happened afte school with the othere that i mostly never stayed to see because i had a job after school to do. But on wensdays i didn't work so i stay with Aerial and them at the end of the school. But i mostly kept to myself. After about a good 15 mintues i finally reached the school. i needed to go head over to Steins lab to grab some paper work for Shinigami-sama. Even though fter i herad Stein was only being used by Mudesa by the insaneness, He still kinda scared me alittle. I Started to walk down a path Spirt had once told me to take if i ever wanted to reach Stein's lab. I followed the path he showed me and after a few i was able to find his lab without no problem. I slowly walked up to the Stein's door and knocked waiting for him to anwser. There wasn't a anwser so i knocked again but this time once i knocked the door opened. i thought maybe he wasn't home or he just didn't close his door all the way. I slowly opened the door more and slowly walked in. I didn't say hello to see if he would anwser me. So i countinued to walk around to see if the paper work i was to find would be lieing around some where. Then i heared some vocie's. Not just Stein's but others too. It sounded like a womens voice. And it didn't sound like Marie's voice too. seen a light come from one of the rooms. The door was half open and i peeked inside but could only see Stein's back. He was blocking the way of where the other vocie was coming from. i listend on to what was happening and what they were talking about. "So what is the plan not that Shinigami-sama was able to stop you the first time and capture the Kishin once again. Are you gonna try to do it again this time trying to use his madness once again?" Stein said. There was laughter now. "Stein you are to silly. Why would i do the same thing when i know Shinigami-sama would already know how to stop me fastly this time. The way i'll take down Death city this time is by working my way by starting with some students of his. I'll use them to get to him and then my plan will work from there." The small but yet adult-like vocie spoked. "And what students are you goign to use if i may ask?" Steain anwered back. "Well First of all that little gang thats always good who helped bring down the Kishin will have to go first. And it seemed they made new friends too. Maybe i'll use them to get to the others." Th vocie spoke with a giggle now. "You mean Maka and the others right?" Stein asked. "Yes...I also was watching another stundent to thats a friend of there's. I've been watching him for some time now and he's very strong. I might use him alot!~" The vocie giggled once again. "Do you mean...Aerial?" Stein asked. My heart stopped for a second as my face went pale from hereing his name in the Sentence. The vocie didn't answer until after a second then a laugh echoed in the room. "Why yes! It would be him." the vocie told him. "And what about his Partner?" Steain asked. My heart froze again now when my name was in this. My legs were feeling wobbly now as i wanted to run away and not here this no more but my body woudn't move until i seen who he was talking too. "Huh? He has a partner? I didn't know? I thought he was a loner or something." The vocie said with a luagh once again. It made me kinda mad now. "Well his partner is Murasaki Crowley. I wouldn't say shes a good partner for him due to the fact she doesn't think fighting is the anwser. But she is very very smart and a good with getting her way. She acts as if she's a boy but she's not very good at it so i don't know how her Partner doesn't see it yet. But the way she acts just makes her so cute and makes me want to dissect her so badly!~" Stein sais in a cheerful vocie. The vocie laughted at him now. "Then why don't you do it now then Stein." The vocie told him now. Stein then turned around to face the door. I covered my mouth now backing up slow. Did they know i was listening the whole time or was he gonna go out to find me. I didn't wanna be dissected. Not now! Not never! The door then flung open and i was face to face with Stein now. A smile grew on his face when he seen my face pale and i was in shock now. "Well isn't this a suppirse. I was just talking about you Murasaki. Why don't you join me and my guest!" Stein told me while grabing my wrist now and throwing me into the room. I feel hard to the floor after he flung me. I heard the doors i came threw close and them being locked. i sat up looking back at Stein now. "Well then this must be her then. Murasaki Crowley? Aerial's Partner right Stein-kun?" The vocie cam from behide me. I turned my head to the back of me fast and my eyes widdened with who i seened. It was Medusa. But could it of been when she was dead?! And Stein was working with her? This couldn't be right!? "Yea this is the one i would love to dissect!~" Stein said now really close to me as he whispered the dissect part in my ear. IT sent shivers down my spine now. He then picked me up standing me up and wraped his long skiny arms around me. A laugh came from Stein now as he held a small knife in his had now as he placed it gentle on my neck resting it there. My eyes grew tears in them as i was scared out of my mind. Was this gonna be the end of me riight here right now like this? "Stein! Stop teaseing her like this!" Medusa told him with a smile. A frown flew on Stein's face now as he let go of me. A smile then grew back on his face as he pulled my wrap around my neck and slid the small knife's blade on the side of my neck cutting it. A pain flew threw me as blood flowed out of it now slowly as it dripped down. My skin was easy to break. i covered the part with my hand, then taking it off to see the blood now on my hand. I felt wobbly now from seeing the blood. Stein licked my blood that was on the blade off now. Medusa still had a grin on her face. "Well thats what she gets for eas-dropping. IF you tell anyone what you've heared today Girl i'll make sure Stein will dissect you slowly infront of Aerial...or better yet i'll have Stein dissect him in front of you slowly. I froze now thinking of the pain in Aerial's eye's as he got dissected. Tear flew down my cheeks now. "No! Leave him alone! I'll be quite i won't say anything i swear i won't!" I told her now. A smile grew on Medusa's face now. "Good..." Was the only thing she said before nodding at Stein. Stein then grabbed my Arm pulling me along now. i didn't know what was gonna happen after this now. Stein opened the door and pulled me outside now. He then spun me around now to speak to me. "You should of never of come here Murasaki. I didn't want to have to hurt you like that. I still had my hand over the part of my neck as it bleed still. my face was still pale as i stared at Stein in shock. "I-I-I came here because Shinigami-sama sent me to pick up some work papers you were to do for him..." I told him now as it was almost a whisper as i was to scared to talk normal. "Ah i see! Hold on then." Stein said walking back into the house fastly, and exited out with a yellow folder as fast as he entered. He then handed me the yellow folder then walked back to the door. "Stein! Why are you doing this!? Why is she still alive?! i trusted you..." I yelled at him. Stein stopped, then sighed walking threw the door and slamming it behide him. I should there for a moment then flet wobbly. I was still bleeding and need to stop it. I took off running now to the school things were running threw my mind so much now. Why was Stein working with her again? And why was she still alive? tears flew from my face as i ran now thinking of how Stein said he wanted to dissect Her and Aerial. I didn't want that. I would want him to dissect me then Aerial being the one he does it on. I finlly reached back in town. I was about to turn the Corner but then ran into someone. I fell dropping the folder out of my hand. i still held onto my cut. "Mura-chan?!? You okay?" A vocie called my name. I looked up now seeing Aerial with Black Star, Soul and Death the Kid. "A-A-Aerial-san..." I almost said in a whisper again. "Mura-san! What happen to your neck!!!" Aerial almost yelled now running over to me. "Huh?! Ih this?" My mind then flew back to when Stein cut me. "OH! I-I just tripped and hit something is all. It nothing really!" I told him. Aerial grabbed my hand away seeing the blood now. He held my hand in his now. "Mura-san! That was not from tripping! What really happend?" Aerial asked me. Soul, Black Star and Death the Kid were right behide him now stareing at me. I couldn't tell him the truth. I couldn't risk loseing Aerial. Not now!....not never...

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