The Girls all live in very close range of my house. It could take me under two minutes and five seconds to knock on every one of their doors. Skilled, eh??? heart Anyways, yesturday was friday night, but sadly Frenchie couldn't be at our outings. We all had SUCH a great time, though! I can't remember how it started.. Ah yes. Twiggy came over and me and MAINEE and her, decided to collect Frenchie and Topper. Sadly, Frenchie was not home, but Topper was, and so the four of us decided to go to the local coffee shop. But me and Mainee only had one hour to be there, because we had to get back home to do our chores. (we had not done them earlier on that friday afternoon because we had been out studying. Sort of. mrgreen ) So after laughing and joking at the coffee place, we headed back. Me and Mainee had to go home to clean for 20 minutes. We went back to Topper's house, and sat on the computer or browsed the TV, or mostly joked around and learned yoga. razz We had fun. Just together, goofing around.. until about 10:35. Then it was time 2 go home. (NO DUH.) we haven't stayed at one another's house THAT late, for awhile! It was SOO much fun! So we walked Twiggy back to her house, which is a little farther down the block than anyone else's. Then we chatted to some dude and I think one of my friends *hint hint* was very happy with herself afterwards.
who could blame them? wink
madzgirl · Sat Jan 07, 2006 @ 09:03pm · 0 Comments |