They Call Me: Bloodrain
I Am And Shall Always Be A:Fae
I Have Seen The Seasons Pass: Four years
They Say I Am Bloodrain is the Alpha male of the Rowa tribe. She is never happy, or at least, isn't happy unless blood has been spilled. When she is happy all within the Rowa Tribe is as great as can be. That doesn't happen very often though, sadlly enough. Instead she is usually snappy and mean, if the Rowa tribe has lost a battle then watch out, it is at times like those that she is willing to kill without the tiniest sense of regret.
I Shall Always Stand By Them:
They Are My Pride And Joy:None
My Tale To Tell: At first Bloodrain had been called Dew within the Lera Tribe. She was one of the nicest pups to have ever walked within the ranks of the tribe. Besides her sister (Aoifeza's alpha female name), the rank alpha was easily within paw's grasp. All his life this is all Bloodrain worked for, one could only think of how devistated he was to be if he didn't get it.
That all changed one day, the day of the alpha male and female's deaths. The Lera tribe all gathered around their beloved leaders with tears gathering within their beauituful eyes. As their souls fleed with great speed from their bodies they made their decision, one that would change the fate of the Lera tribe forever.The two siblings sat down and they chose (Aoifeza) to lead the tribe.
Bloodrain let out a howl of great anger and slashed open their necks instantly, making their deaths more painful than needed. The pack looked at the wolf with great fear and banished her from the pack. Some of the wolves decided that they would join Bloodrain and create a pack, dedicated to the death of the Lera Tribe. Little did they know that the Rowa tribe awaited them with open paws.
As time progressed Bloodrain climbed her way through the ranks, until she was at the top. It was when her leaders died this time that she was finally declared the alphess of her tribe.
The Whisper On The Breeze That Calls My Name Is:Princess_Sakura_Flower
I stand my position as: Alphess of the Rowan tribe
Post Style~!
The Lera Tribe...

Their blood shall rain down upon ME!