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A collection of my cheezy poems and other little meaningfull peices
The fight of a lifetime.
Mia(shadow) v. Lewie
Lewie insisted we throw down and see who's truly stronger. I wasn't up to the idea but i wasn't gonna let me back down. I knew he would end up winning cause, if i won it just wouldn't be right. Me and Ian left late that night. I spent the whole day fixxing up my scythe, artimus and getting ready. No one spoke much that day; it was quiet and erie. Finally, while still walking toward the forest, Ian spoke. Started the crap outa me cause i didn't expected it.
"I don't see why you spent all day getting ready when you intend to lose"This offended me, I did not intend to lose but i knew i would in the end; but i did want to at least show that i have learned much since lewie saw me fight last time.
I don't intendto lose, but i know i will eventually"We, both shut up and kept walking. It wasn't long till we reached the forest clearing in which i destoryed so many poeple in the past.
There you are! Ready?Lewie, of course, had been waiting for a while; seeing as the cave to his "home" was not to far. I took a deep breath and looked up at the moon; it was deffinetly midnight.
It was a long fight; daring, and brutal. I don't know how or why, but in the midest of our fighting everything that happened to me of the past four years came rushing at me. Alll the pain and sarrow, tension and laughter, happyness, and erieness. But mostly everything that was about me in the engagled mess i got in. Traveling diffrent "worlds" to much, and suddnely. Making excuses when i came back, not coming back at all. All the diffrent firends i made all of my feelings and people i left when i shouldn't have, but couldn't stay for what ever reasons.
It was to much, all of it. The of thing i could think of was run. I stopped right in the middle of our fighting, and just ran. Strait out of the clearing to my left. It was all i could do. I had no idea were to go or what to do anymore. I hardly knew what to think. So i just ran. I kept zigzagging so i start to turn south of the clearing even though i left from the left. I don't know when it was but i eventually grew tired and sat down. By now, tears were running down my face and staining my shirt, and my coat. It was late after midnight. And i had to get some sleep. I knew i would ungaurded sleeping in the middle of the forest alone, so wrapped myself in my coat and placed artemis, large point up, in my hand. I couldn't get away from all my feelings. All i could hear was a choir of screams. Not of those of dieing people as i usually did. But of my feelings and heart. I felt trapped in an entaggled mess write at my center. I no longer know what to think or do. But i knew i had to fix things. Though, there was no one i could talk to. I saw that was the only way. I then relized i had one person i could talk to that had the most alike. I wasn't sure if i could trust them, but i didn't have to tell every detail.
It was the only way i could get myself out of this mess.......


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