Theme Song Is Mr.Fix-it - The Amazing Crowns
Name: Balthazar Agro
Nickname(s): None Yet
Home Land: Hell
Age: Good Question
Occupation: Engineer - Black Marketeer
Height: Five Feet And Eleven Inches
Weight: 188 Ibs
Body Type: Well Built
Skin: Pale
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Type: Slicked Back
Eye Colour: Black, No Pupils
Handed: Ambidextrous
Sexuality: Straight
Martial Status: Single
Skills: Fixing Things - Customizing - Inventing - Wicked Bartering Prowess - Hell Military Training - Trained In Mech-Fu - Skilled Treasure Hunter
Immortality: Well, more or less. After 'Death' all of his being goes back to Hell. Were he lives again.
Teleportation: He can teleport to wherever he pleases. As long as two conditions are met. First, there is nothing blocking the point of which he wishes to go. And second, he becomes human for a whole minute.( Only used when he's in Hell )
Immunities: To Diseases, Illness, Poisons & Venoms
Demon Strength: He has demonic strength. No, not super-strength. It means he's just stronger than a human.
Acidic Blood: Like a raging, hormone induced jalapeño on drugs in a five year old's mouth. It burns like Hell, but it's not lethal. But who would consume his blood anyway?
Weapons: These weapons have been afflicted with a curse that makes them unbreakable.
48 Inch Pipe Wrench Named Betty
An X Wrench Named Billy
And Two Torque Wrenches Named Jack & Jill
Fannypack - a small fabric pouch secured with a zipper and worn at the waist by a strap around the hips.
Traditional Japanese Bottle w/ Sake - a Japanese alcoholic beverage made from rice. The bottle is strapped on to his neck, carried sideways.
Welding Glasses - these protects against glare and flying sparks. Its a more extreme implementation of the same idea as Sunglasses, suited to the more intense light generated during welding.
Aircrew Gloves - a pair of fire resistant gloves for personnel who operate an aircraft while in flight.
BS EN60903 Gloves - a pair of electric shock resistant gloves.
BS EN374-1:2003 - a pair of chemical and micro-organism resistant gloves.
After his parents conceived him, he spent most of his life in the military ranks in Hell, learning from the beast tacticians and weapon masters they had. He learned business, trading secrets and engineering skills. He soon made his parents proud and had taken an interest in Earth. It seemed that he had much more to learn there. With permission from his parents and the other Rulers of Hell, he was off. His target? Gaia.
Soon he became a well known person that sold and bought things from the black market, gaining reputation and the like. Now, he just walks about Gaia, aiming to relax from his days of learning and training.
Family Biography:
The son of Marquis Andras. Andras was a Grand Marquis of Hell, appearing with a winged angel’s body and the head of an owl or raven, riding upon a strong black wolf and wielding a sharp and bright sword. He was also responsible for sowing discord, and commanded 30 infernal legions. He is the 63rd of the 72 spirits of Solomon. Andras was considered to be a highly dangerous demon.
Son of Marrona the Succubi. Marrona was a descendant of Lilith, a Mesopotamian storm demon associated with wind and was thought to be a bearer of disease, illness, and death.
Nephew of the great Count Andromalius is a mighty Great Earl of Hell, having thirty-six legions of demons at his service. He can bring back both a thief and the stolen goods, punishes all thieves and other wicked people, and discovers hidden treasures, all evilness, and all dishonest dealing.
Appearance: Often seen with a black trenchcoat. His torque jeans are his trademark wear. His torso is covered by a black satin, long sleeved shirt. He always has steel-toe boots on. His small , pointed horns and tail are both as pale as his skin and stick out as a black man in the snow.
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