-updadted randomly-
1- i get hyper alot
2- i am addicted to tea and soda
3- i am also addicted to crime shows
4- like, law and order, and NCIS
5- i support gay pride
6- i have anger issues.. still XD
7- this is going to take alot of time, isn't it? D:
8- i hate comercials with a passion that burns brighter then a thousand suns
9- spell check is my lifeline
10- i love my friends with all my heart
11- uh...... i like chips. XD
12- i prefer regular coke over diet coke
13- Jon Bon Jovi is my idol
14- i can't stand the taste of fish
15- i prefer gatorade over water
16- because water has no taste. it's nasty ><
17- have the orriginal Poke'mon Theme song on my ipod
18- i also have a song called One Card Short on there, that came off of a CD my nephew got in a mcdonalds kids meal four years ago
19- i watch Sesemie Street and get nightmares
20- scarey movies scare me eek
21- emo people are fun to hug. =w=
22- i always wanted to die to see what heven's like
23- i am a catholic christian, and proud of it
24- the only thing i question about god is: If every man is created equal, why are Gay people segrigated,m even in the Bible?
25- hypocrits confuse me
26- my sister's a b***h, but her son is worse.
27- ten year old boys are very attracted to older girls. O-O
28- i always wanted an older brother, but my cousin Cris is kindof the same thing. =w=
29- when i was younger, i enjoyed eating soup
30- i like to write poetry, but it is sometimes depressing. =w=
31- i tried to write a happy poem, and it ended up being a story about a lost butterfly who ends up dying. .__.
32- i enjoy writing XD
33- the mail-man scares me. :3
34- i mean honestly! who wouldn't be scared of a man who opens doors without warning?!
35- i love the xd emoticon. =w=
36- noobs frighten me. eek
37- i annoy people without relizing it sometimes. XD
38- i like to sing in the shower. even though i cant sing XD
39- i had a crush on my babysitters son once, and he was five years older then me at the time. ._.
40- i am frightened of thunder, but am amazed by lightning
41- my ipod is named Touchy
42- Touchy likes Alyssa XD
43- i am scared of being rape don day O-O and i don't go outside alone because of it
44- incase you havn't relized it, i suffer from paranoia XD
45- i dislike humans. =w=
46- large crowds cause me to have panic attacks
47- car alarms make me think there's a fire somewhere
48- i'm almost done. o-o
49- i have a bad cough. *nod* i hate it. XD
50- YAY LAST ONE! 8D uhm... i'm scared of the dark. :3
1- i get hyper alot
2- i am addicted to tea and soda
3- i am also addicted to crime shows
4- like, law and order, and NCIS
5- i support gay pride
6- i have anger issues.. still XD
7- this is going to take alot of time, isn't it? D:
8- i hate comercials with a passion that burns brighter then a thousand suns
9- spell check is my lifeline
10- i love my friends with all my heart
11- uh...... i like chips. XD
12- i prefer regular coke over diet coke
13- Jon Bon Jovi is my idol
14- i can't stand the taste of fish
15- i prefer gatorade over water
16- because water has no taste. it's nasty ><
17- have the orriginal Poke'mon Theme song on my ipod
18- i also have a song called One Card Short on there, that came off of a CD my nephew got in a mcdonalds kids meal four years ago
19- i watch Sesemie Street and get nightmares
20- scarey movies scare me eek
21- emo people are fun to hug. =w=
22- i always wanted to die to see what heven's like
23- i am a catholic christian, and proud of it
24- the only thing i question about god is: If every man is created equal, why are Gay people segrigated,m even in the Bible?
25- hypocrits confuse me
26- my sister's a b***h, but her son is worse.
27- ten year old boys are very attracted to older girls. O-O
28- i always wanted an older brother, but my cousin Cris is kindof the same thing. =w=
29- when i was younger, i enjoyed eating soup
30- i like to write poetry, but it is sometimes depressing. =w=
31- i tried to write a happy poem, and it ended up being a story about a lost butterfly who ends up dying. .__.
32- i enjoy writing XD
33- the mail-man scares me. :3
34- i mean honestly! who wouldn't be scared of a man who opens doors without warning?!
35- i love the xd emoticon. =w=
36- noobs frighten me. eek
37- i annoy people without relizing it sometimes. XD
38- i like to sing in the shower. even though i cant sing XD
39- i had a crush on my babysitters son once, and he was five years older then me at the time. ._.
40- i am frightened of thunder, but am amazed by lightning
41- my ipod is named Touchy
42- Touchy likes Alyssa XD
43- i am scared of being rape don day O-O and i don't go outside alone because of it
44- incase you havn't relized it, i suffer from paranoia XD
45- i dislike humans. =w=
46- large crowds cause me to have panic attacks
47- car alarms make me think there's a fire somewhere
48- i'm almost done. o-o
49- i have a bad cough. *nod* i hate it. XD
50- YAY LAST ONE! 8D uhm... i'm scared of the dark. :3

Community Member
-crosses out number 13 and stabs it and shoots it-
It doesn't deserve to exist. D:<