To Lose Yourself.... [A Story] |
To Lose Yourself....
Chapter 1
Luna kept her eyes closed, trying to sneak in a few extra minutes of sleep. However, as always, the alarm clock went off at 5:45 AM. As always... She got up, irritated, and turned off the alarm. Yawning, Luna went to take her shower and get dressed. Outside her bedroom window, the bright moon slowly dissapeared , first behind the trees, then behind the earth. Luna put on her robe and walked slowly down the stairs. Both of her parents were gone, they had already left for work, and Luna was left home alone. She checked the clock and sighed. 7:27 AM. What was there to do with this day..? Sighing, Luna made a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch, mindlessly flicking through the channels. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Luna froze, dropping the remote. She walked upstairs quickly and looked outside the guestroom window. Outside, was a young man, about two or three year older than Luna. He wore a crisp dark blue suit, and had messy, shoulder-length dark brown hair that covered most of his face, He looked around nervously, his arm crossed, stomped his foot, then shoved something into the mail slot. Then, he quickly walked away, looking around even more nervously. Luna raised an eyebrow, only leaving the room when she was sure the stranger was gone.
She slowly descended the staircase and walked over to the door . Laying there was a pitch-black letter, closed with a dark silver seal of a rose. Luna picked it up carefully and investigated it. Blinking, Luna read the elegant script written on the front of the letter. Written in pure beauty, was Luna's name. Luna gasped, quickly going into her room and locking the door behind it. Sitting on her bed, the letter in her shivering hands, she began to open it. Luna pulled out a bright, light silver piece of paper. She began to read it. Suddenly, Luna stopped, gasping as she read the words written on the paper. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2 Luna's hands started to shake as she reread the letter, unable to believe what it had said:
Dear Miss Luna,
You don't know who we are, but what lies in this letter will decide the future of an entire planet. As it lies now, thousands of people's lives are indanger. We have watched you very carefully, and we request that you aid in the devolpment of the new age of our planet. We understand you confusion about this matter, in such manners, we ask that you disscuss any of your questions with our messenger, Antton. He will be watching over you untill you have come to a decision. We ask that you penalyze the situation before your final judgement.
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Luna blinked, setting the paper down. What a bunch of falsity... She thought, crumpling up the paper and throwing it against the wall. Stupid joke...
"Do you really think it's a joke...?" A voice sounded from behind her door. Luna froze and slowly turned her head to look at the door.
"Wh-who's there!?" Luna almost screamed.
"Antton..." ; The person behind the door answered calmly. "Now, can you please open the door so we can disscuss this...?" Luna stood up, slowly walking to the door. She opened it, peering out. Standing there was the young mand she had seen leave the letter by the door. He long dark brown hair covered half of his face. He stared back at her with dark gray, soulless eyes. Luna blinked, backing up as Antton opened the door wider.
"Wh-who are you, and how did you get in the house!? All the doors were locked!" Luna demanded. Antton sat down on the bed and smirked.
"Well, that's not really important right now, now is it?" He said, yawning. "What's important now is that we need your help....." ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3 Luna shook her head. "No, there's nothing to talk about. Enough of this crap." She walked over to the door and opened it even wider. "Get out!" Antton just smiled, leaning back against the wall and crossing his legs. "I see, so they were right when they said you were stubborn.." He retorted, crossing his arms. "Get out or I'm calling the cops!" Luna yelled, reaching out to grab her cell phone. In a flash, Antton was right beside her, grabbing her arm with an iron grip. "Let go!" Luna screeched. "Will you just listen to me!?" Antton snapped, his piecring gray eyes transfixing into Luna's own dark blue eyes. Luna stopped, her entire body started to shake. Antton let go of her arm and sighed, walking back to the bed. "Y-you're not human...Are you..?" Luna stuttered, watching Antton as he made his way back to the other side of the bed. Antton smirked. "Ah, so you've finally become conscious of that...?" He said, his dark hair covering his eyes. Luna shivered, collapsing onto the bedroom floor. She quickly sat up, still to ill at ease to stand up. "Wh-what do you want....?" Luna said, her voice shaky. "Phht, are you actually that scatterbrained that you've already forgotten what we've been talking about?" Antton snapped. "To think that the dominion actually decided to leave our planet's future in the hands of a 14 year-old girl..." Luna stood up, now furious. "Well, obviously you were a wimp, since they called in me!" Luna growled. Suddenly, Antton bursted out in laughter. "Okay, okay sweetheart....What is it that you need to know?" He said, looking at Luna and smiling. Luna blushed, crossing her arms and looking away. "Well...uhm...first, I want to know what's wrong with your planet, why you called me...and, well, what your race is called." She muttered, staring at the wall. "Well, that's easy," Antton said, sitting up. "We are beings called serphriams. Our planet has been descended upon by some twisted parasite that must have come from a different galaxy. Our top scientists have said that this parasite must be about fifteen million years old, and might have feeded on numerous planets before coming to ours. We have tried our best to destroy the parasite, however, nothing has worked. This, is where you come in. Sadly, every one of our people have been infected..." Antton put his head down and lifted up his hair, exposing a strange dark purple and and blue marking that looked somewhat like a star. He put his head back up. "This, prevents us from harming the parasite. However, our top scientists have been able to create an elixir that prevents one from getting the disease, and a jewel that be used to destroy the parasite. We've...only been able to create one dosage of antidote for the parasite. The ingredients are practically exinct..." Antton held up a small bottle containing a dark green liquid. He smirked, "This, is the antidote that is to be used only for the person who is to acompany our martyr." Luna blinked. "Wait....martyr...you mean...offering...?" She said, starting to shake even more. Antton only laughed. "Don't worry, don't worry...The companion is to make sure that our little herione doesn't get harmed." he smiled, standing up. "Are...are you, the companion..?" Luna asked. Antton smiled. "Right, kiddo." He answered, standing up. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Tell me when you're ready to leave..." He walked out of the bedroom. "W-wait!" Luna yelled, "I...I never said I was going!!"
Floating Kitty owo · Tue Aug 25, 2009 @ 07:07am · 0 Comments |