January 2, 2006 1:56pm
So it's the last day of my Christmas vacation. Apparently I was invited to a New Years Eve party, but I didn't bother going. I mean, I'm supposed to be on vacation. I'm the type that would want to be left alone when all the big happenings are... happening. Civilization is one thing I can do without.
Anyway, last day of vacation. I'm going to spend it as quietly as I can. Take long naps in the afternoon, eat when I'm hungry instead of the usual three meal day. In celebration, or the mourning of, the last day I've invested all of my extra gold into letters. I've got an entire 2004 set, and three 2005 sets, and five sealed letters. I plan to either look at them in all of their beauty, or sell them later for a fortune. The latter, I believe.
Anyway, I must take a small break from Gaia. To get back into the groove of the whole school thing. It doesn't take me much to get out of my school habits, and my sleeping is all out of whack. I doubt I'll be getting much sleep tonight. As soon as I return items I've borrowed, and my items are returned I'll be leaving. I hate to say bye to all of the people I met over my twelve day break but school is more important than Gaia. Or at least that's the reason I'm saying now, though it's only half true. I may perhaps say the reason once I come back. I promise you, friends and strangers, that I will be coming back to play on Gaia more. I mean, I have a fortune and I like to show it off.
Sincerely, Lumie
Lumerie · Mon Jan 02, 2006 @ 07:04pm · 0 Comments |