Okay, this one is from my friend, thanks Carmen &3

This one is from a random dude xD

This one is from my so called 'husband" xDD
Thank David! &3

This one ish from Frances &3
Thanks you so much! &3

Lolz, This is a second one from Frances &3

And another one from Frances XD &3

Lolz, this is my friend, and he is shirt-less!!! OH YEAH BBY!

This ish Carmen &3 I know, my username is a bit too long XD

THIS IS MY SMEXI DUDE! Don't steal xD &3

Oh bby! SHIRT-LESS! &3333333333333333333333333

MY BUDDY! <333 I'm her "b***h"

I'm questing for more signs so, BEWARE!