Name: Carwyn Minoru (or Minoru Carwyn when with father's parents) Age: 16 Likes: Individual sports, Changing Seasons, Pets, Litrature. Dislikes: Household Chores, Unnecessary cruelty, Unnecessary work, Lack of deviation in routine. Bio: Welsh mother, Japanese Father, both dead in a car accident while visitening mother's Americian sister when he was only 3. Said sister, his aunt Gwen, took coustody of him, but when he was 6 his father's parents sued for coustody. They agreed to alternate every season with him spending summers and winters in Japan but springs and autums in America. The instability has had strange effects on him, making him at once shy and friendly, quiet and demanding. He's a bit of a contradiction and can never really remember to keep it to just the one languauge when he knows three fluently.
Fluffeh_Kyle · Wed Aug 19, 2009 @ 05:30am · 0 Comments |