Samantha was always a sweet innocent girl, always home when she was told, never disobeyed her parents, always dressed like a young 16 year old should. Never a tramp. Her grades were perfect and she always had a smile for anyone who might need one. Being 5'4" and very child like seemed to fill all the guys heads with dirty thoughts. Many even tried to ask her out but she would always politely refuse for her father told her she couldn't date. No one ever saw what was coming till the day they found her dead on the elementary playground. The culprit was unknown but many had their suspects. The small town seemed to become dark on the day they buried this beautiful little girl...

Annabell had long since decided that she would never fit in bu it still hurt when someone laughed. She stood in the doorway of her new class scared to death to open the door. The grey fur on her tail stood on end and her large ears where flattened to her head. "Get a grip girl is doesn't matter if they hate you, it's not like you need anyone anyways." She mumbled to herself as she slowly pushed open the door to the class. her large green eyes scanning the students already busy at work. As she walked up to the Teacher she lowered her hand and let her tail drag the ground.

Joslin leaned against the counter staring out the window. "Man what a drag..." The Cafe was empty except for a few high school kids talking away in the corner. She pushed her bangs back as she closed her large pink eyes. "Wonder where everyone is? The boss said is was gonna be busy tonight..." She loved her job and was good at it but she just hated the slow nights. The a few people outside the window peeked but ran off quickly. Tourist season was in full effect and most were scared to death of the cafe. Mostly locals who knew the rules came, but not tonight.

Taking place after Batman has been defeated and the Joker is in charge of Gotham. The story can go whichever way you'd like it to go but basically you cab be either the Joker or Poison Ivy.
{{Pm me to play, Please more then one-liners. Also make sure to tell me who you are playing with, I play with male or female. If you have another idea then send that but make sure to send a starter okay.}}