✓ Raine
- ☒Male, Vampire, looks 28 but is somewhere over 500
☒ He stands somewhere around six foot and some odd inches. Raine’s hair is a crimson color with the two blonde strips at the side of his face line. It also comes down to his hips. Red eyes. His build is generally normal, slightly more muscular though than exact normal. Most of the time he wears sunglasses. Clothing wise, he can usually be found in something different every night with no real seeming preference (so, you know, just about anything would work, as long as it's got a nicer look to it, so not really anything torn or dirty). Though he usually wears the same necklace all the time, which is a black necklace that wraps around his neck multiple times that ties in the front with the two ends of the string falling onto his chest. Since he's a vampire, he has fangs that are visible all the time.
☒ Founder of a blood trading group, now the co-owner of it (in the city he is currently living in). He owns multiple trading groups around the world and he used to be a prince, so he has a nice stack of money.
☒ He likes cute things, so like candy, kitties, puppies, cakes, cookies. He can't eat the candy or cookies or cakes though... He also likes soft things, so pillows and plushies and the like, especially cute ones.
☒ He doesn't like loud noises, bright lights (lighting more than candle light usually), hats (on his own head really).
☒ References
- Raine is the red one An Evening with his favorite fledgling.
Randomly shirtless Kiss kiss~
Nakie time! After a shower~
Black'n'White With necklace (and clothes)
Time for a Drink He prefers his blood in glasses, it's cleaner that way
Manly Raine He is officially too sexy for his shirt
Oh my god He actually was caught wearing clothes
Wink~ Love Love Raine
Is He Awesome Yes He Is
Rainedeer Get it? ((Also, Jean, Kael, and Benny in that order not including Raine.))
Rainedeer again ((I drew this one...))
Windy Night Hair blowing in the wind
Stare Stare Must be staring at Kael or Benny
Oh yeah You lick that blood you sexy b*****d
Raine and Raine Raine just had to sex up the first other Raine he had ever met
Chibi Chibi Pixelation Is a Go Go
He is sexy And you know it
He is super sexy And you super know it
Headshot BOOM!
Sexy Time Is very yaoi... view at own risk, may not be PG13
THOOOONG Leopard print
A drink while wearing clothes Brought to you by a fairy bearing AIDS.
Youve got me wondering Why I like it rough
Chibi with necklace Black'n'white, yo
Raine and Jake Get your sexy on!
Practicing being Benny Got the face down pat
Chibi in Black&White
Same With COLOR!
Raine likes it rough Reeeal rough!
Bloody Chibi No background
Just as bloody And chibi with a background now
He is watching you While you are sleeping
Black back He glows! *waggles fingers*
Beefcake He shows his beef off when pushing his hair back
Teddy bear teddy bear Touch the ground!
☒ Basic Personality (kind of sort of)
- Ridiculously happy usually
☒ Clothing
(Note, these aren't exact things that he would wear, just things that he would wear from time to time, when he actually wears something. Also, due to being lazy, these are just links to pictures. Again, not all of these are exactly what he would wear to the exact, just the general idea. (When he does actually wear clothes that is.))
- Is very colorful, even though the colors are darker shades
Will never wear a hat or hood, but will wear things like clips and headbands
Only exception to the hat rule is a Santa hat, but that is the only hat he'll wear
x o
☒ People Close To Raine Somehow
These are the people who are closest to Raine, how they are related to him, and a little brief description of his relationship with them. Description of the characters coming soon...
- Kael - Raine's favorite fledgling and most common love partner.
Jake - Raine's pet cat-demon-ghost. Likes to have Jake get in his head so he can ******** him, literally. He also treats Jake like a real cat or tease him by holding up various things to Jake's body, secretly making plans to find a way to dress the ghost up. (See SpookyFoxMulder's comment for Jake's short description. Long description here.)
Benjamin - Raine's "brother" through the same master. Raine views Benny as his younger brother and so is often trying to get him to play games and spend quality time with him doing just random things. Even though he never complains, after every time he has sex with Benny, he always has an awkward feeling. Has never completely forgiven him though for killing their master, but never let's it be known unless she is brought up. (See my comment in the comment's section for Benny's description.)
☒ Other Raine Things
Just random links to Raine related things, most if not all are going to be text related.
- Diary Entry One
Random Post of His
Another Random Post of His
Past RP with Benny
Random post I made trying to get art Yes, I was using him.
Short little story I wrote
Community Member
☒Male, Vampire, looks 22 but is roughly 400
☒Benjamin has extremely light platinum blonde hair, and has sometimes been called a white head. His eyes are a blue-ish silver-ish color. And his skin is almost just as white as his hair. He is slender and doesn't show a lot of muscle at all, but because he is an elder, he could easily lift up a car. He stands at around 5'10".
☒ In the past, he used to be a poet. Even now, his love for writing has not gone away and he is now a novelist.
☒ Things that he enjoys include: Blood, peace and quiet, BDSM, an empty room, churches or cathedrals, minimalist art, the simple things in life, old black and white movies, books (end every thing about them), being able to read without interruption, and the smell of a good French wine.
☒ Benny's list of things that he doesn't like includes... The nickname Benny and people who refer to him as such - he takes it as a sign of disrespect rather than of friendship. The smell of human food for it makes him ill. The city because of the noise and the crowd. Modern television. Modern anything.
☒ References
White and Black
Getting Colored But he still looks white, yo
Bad Chibi Ben Chibis don't smoke
Little Elf is mad He was somehow tricked into this
☒ Basic Personality (kind of sort of)
Snickers... a lot
Likes to try to creep people out
Cold and gruff
☒ Clothing
Will wear just about anything that is black and will keep him warm. And he has to be comfortable in it.
☒ When it comes to Raine, he is kind of tsundere. He's all cold and gruff, but secretly likes him and stuff. Is easily annoyed by the redhead when he gets talking, and will shut him up by sexual ways. Only calls him a brother because Raine throws a fit and becomes controlling if he doesn't.