Alaskan Fire Dragon - "A" Slang Words 1 of 26 |
Alright Kids, let's start this off with something really risqué! The rest is in alphabetical order. ;D
Alaskan Firedragon/Angry Dragon ___Okay guys. This is something really funny you can do to your girl, but you might get dumped... Just maybe. When you are getting head and you feel like you are about to c** do these next few things in a this particular order. Push down on the girl's head. Lean in, getting your head not too from hers. Say something shocking. ie. I have Herpes or some sort of sexual disease that involves your d**k. She'll choke and try to pull back. While she is choking, forcing the semen through her nostrils. (This is similar to laughing while drinking milk) ___I don't care how 'cool' a chick is... She will be pissed!!
A b***h And A Half ___Someone (usually a female) who is so rude, mean, or generally disliked that just plain b***h doesn't cover it, but since they are one person, cannot be defined in the plural; Bitches.
Abortion ___The only method of killing that Republicans oppose; or the act of terminating a task or objective before it is completed.
Acid - I really had to explain this one? Hope this helps, Lil' Hellion. ;D ___Acid is a ridiculously powerful drug. It's measured in micrograms (that's 10 to the negative 6, kids). A few hundred micrograms is enough for a fairly decent trip that'll last between 8-12 hours. ___Guaranteed to blow your freakin' mind. I strongly suggest listening to the Grateful Dead while under the influence. It is not advisable to drive or operate heavy machinery while tripping. Going to work or attending class while zonked out of your gourd is also discouraged; the fact that your pupils will swallow your entire eye is a dead give away that you're on something.
Acoustic Shave ___The act of shaving with a regular razor, not an electric one.
Aibohphobia ___The irrational fear of palindromes (words that read the same forwards and backwards. Sadly the word 'Aibohphobia' is one itself). ______Dude 1: Hey, what's your name? ______Dude 2: Hannah. ______Dude 1: AAAAAAAAAAH! *Runs and hides behind sofa* ______Hannah: Wow. ______Dude 1: AAAAAAAAAAH! *Runs away and falls down stairs*
Air Jerk ___A motion done with the hand simulating masturbation. Instead of just conveying an opinion of someone or something, it can also be used to convey to a friend or co-worker what a complete and utter waste of time something is or was (successful with an added eyeroll).
Aisle Salmon ___You know there's always one a*****e in a crowded hallway, that's going against the flow of the crowd. That's the Aisle Salmon! It's funnier when you trip him. ;D
Alabama Hot Pocket ___The Alabama Hot Pocket is a special fetish maneuver that roughly involves taking a s**t into a woman's v****a, typically followed up by a good ole ********'. The term "Alabama" originated from a lesser known, but crucial additional practice that involves "Porky Piggin'" the female who has recieved the Hot Pocket. In Alabama, you see, good old redneck boys, when bored, would ******** pig troughs or large, wet piles of mud. To properly perform the Porky Piggin' follow-up procedure, one must take a massive s**t onto the v****a WITHOUT spreading the lips. This creates a core that enters the woman, and then dregs that explode out all over her. By randomly stabbing with the c**k, one will successfully Porky Piggin' the girl... Repeating, naturally, the action that would normally be associated with screwing a pile of mud or animal trough.
Alt-tabbin' ___Hold alt, then hit Tab on your keyboard... See what it does? Here's why it's nice. (You can thank me later!) ______"My boss almost caught me looking at porn at work, good thing I was Alt-Tabbin'"
Amsterdam - Yes, I'm including the city. ___Adult Disney land. Magical place full of cool friendly people. Prostitution and pot are legal here, but it's also a really beautiful city.
Askhole ___A student who wastes class time by asking for answers to questions that only he/she doesn't understand; thus annoying the crap out of his/her classmates.
ASL ___Age/Sex/Location ___It's what annoying people say in chatrooms to learn who you are and where you live so they can come to your house and chain saw you.
a** is Grass ___You're done, finished, kaput, over, one doomed ********]
a** to a** ___Two heroine addicted prostitutes insert a double-d***o into her a**s while a crowd of men cheer them on and a mysterious man named Uncle Hank yells, "a** to a**!". ___This is now an overused reply to any situation.... It can be funny... If used in a good situation with close friends.
a** to Mouth - For a certain person who watched Clerks II and was lost. ___This is where a guy will give his partner a**l and then he/she wants to give him head. This is usually done several times in a row back in forth.
Asshat ___Someone with their head up their a**. Someone who displays ridiculous amounts of ignorance and/or obnoxiousness. ______Person 1: "My boss is making me work until 9pm on a Friday!!" ______Person 2: "Andrew is such an asshat." ______Comedic Foreplay Person 3: "Totally. His unit vector is definitely pointed in the a** direction."
Awkward Arm ___Just an awkward arm with nowhere to go. It normally comes into play during spooning, when you are the big spoon. When you spoon, you're on one side, laying on one arm. The top arm is usually wrapped around your partner. The other arm is squished and uncomfortable. ______Things to do with your awkward arm: ______1.) Massage your partner ______2.) Stick under them and wrap around ______3.) Grab his/her butt ______4.) Guys: Cover your boner!!
Axe ___A conformist body spray that is used by guys, often in heavy doses. Often the user likes to make extremely evident through scent, or verbally, that he is wearing the aforesaid deodorant.
Fauxiee Khaoz · Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 03:24am · 0 Comments |