I grew to be: 16
At birth I was a: Male
This is what he gave me: The ability to animate objects by touching them with his left hand, once animated they will do his every bidding.
I am the: The ace of hearts.
This is how the story begins: Takakura was just your average highschool boy, he hated the idea of school yet looked forward to the time he would have with his friends. Classes to him meant a chance for him to catch up on his sleep. One night, it was about 3am if I remember right...though that'd make it early morning. Meh times a bit fuzzy but it's not really important all you need to know is that it was late. I was up playin' my games, like I always did, and the power shut off on me, I was hot. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my lighter, striking the flint the gas exploded with light, before me I saw a shadowed figure, out of fear I felt for the controler I had been using and threw it. The being smiled and simply said "Do not fear me, I've come to grant thee but one wish for power." A bit taken back by his speech I faught laughter before answered him. He went on to explain he has come to grant me not a wish for world power but a wish for a power I can control. I asked for the power to animate objects, it is something I've always pondered on as I gazed at my modles and action figures that decorated my room. The creature smiled a card falling from his hand as a soft breeze that seemed to come from no where extinguished the small flame. Almost instantly the lights flicked on and where the creature had stood lay what looked like a playing card face down. Curisoity got the better of me so I walked over to where the card lay and picked it up using my dominant hand, my left. As I hold the ace of hearts in my examining everything about it, looking for anything strange about it, the card springs from my hand and dances about the room. This is just the beginning...
I guess I am a bit: Shy, but I'm not overly shy. I've been called quiet at times, but I find it more fun to watch and listen than I do to talk my life away. I come off as calm but don't let my calm demeanor fool you, I've got a temper and when it flares look out.
Thee whom pulls mine strings: Hibiki_Souji
My reflections says it all: