![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/1pyro.jpg)
Clad in a fire-retardant suit and a voice-muffling gas mask, the Pyro carries a flamethrower that can set other players on fire, as well as being able to produce a blast of compressed gas that knocks nearby enemies and projectiles away.
Only two things are known for sure about the mysterious pyro: he sets things on fire and he doesn't speak. In fact, the only part about setting things on fire is undisputed. Some believe his occasional rasping wheeze may be an attempt to communicate through a mouth obstructed by a filter and attached to lungs ravaged by constant exposure to his asbestos lined suit. Either way, he's a fearsome, inscrutable on-fire frankenstein of a man. If he even is a man. (This description is found from this image)
Costume Progress!
Posted July 29th, 1:07 AM
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/0729090046.jpg)
Look I'm pretty.
So here's the first pic. I have a finished glove too, but I left it in my bedroom and was too lazy to get it |D
I'm gonna throw on the whole costume and sort it out with what I have so far.
I have the stuff I need, now I just need to put it together owo
I need to get the straps of the mask not to stick out like that though. They look funny xD;
Connecticon 2009!
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6049_117913256300_570571300_2825689.jpg)
Torso shot spontaniously done by my mother in the Starbucks that was in the hotel :U
I was about to head off to the con with my friend when my mom said "WAITAMINUTE HOLD STILL".
So I did and she took a picture. ' w '
And immediatly sent it to my grandfather xD
He replied by calling her and asking "who the fxck was that?" xD
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/PyroPose001.jpg)
Full body shot! :U
I snagged this off a video from youtube xD
For those who don't know, the pink purse is because in the game, if you go to the lockers you see that in Pyro's locker is a purse - whether it is pink or light blue depends on what team pyro it is obviously.
I wanted a pink purse >:T
So I got a pink purse >|T
I felt pretty.
Then it broke on Saturday.
Stupid crappy chain >>
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/0801091348.jpg)
Another Pyro and I kept switching weapons because he had a flamethrower and I had an axe 8D
So I got to pose with his flamethrower x3
It was made entirely out of cardboard and duct tape - which was just wonderful to me :'D
This beutiful thing is proof that I need to get better at cardboard as soon as possible xD
Shortly before this picture was taken (either that or after) we had a Red VS Blue fight, since there were enough TF2 people to do this because of the photoshoot we had.
The othe Pyro and I again kept swapping weapons and beating up Blues. A wonderful thing is that while we had one Red Spy, they had about 5 Blue spies. But we had 3 Red Pyros - Blue had none.
Much "spy checking" was had.
Fun <3
If I find any videos online I will post it here biggrin
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6400_1182758202413_1031945682_60334.jpg)
Our basic group photo before the fight :3
You can't see me cause I'm short and got stuck behind a Medic and Soldier that were taller than me xD
You can just see my axe xDD
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6400_1182758282415_1031945682_60335.jpg)
A closer look at the BLU team =D
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6400_1182758162412_1031945682_60334.jpg)
And a closer look at the RED team xP
Still stuck behind taller people xDD
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6400_1182758402418_1031945682_60335.jpg)
RED team prepared on the stairs for the fight owo
I was so pumped xDD
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6400_1182758522421_1031945682_60335.jpg)
I snagged this off someone else's Facebook xDD
I feel sneaky >w>
This was in the fight. I just "axed" the BLU Soldier who was walking away back to the BLU starting point and was looking for any other BLU for me to axe xD
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6400_1182758762427_1031945682_60336.jpg)
An overhead view of the battle!
In this round the other RED Pyro and I swapped weapons, so you can see me in there aiming the flamethrower at a Spy xD
We....didn't know how to register that the flamethrower "hit/burned" her, so I poked her with the nozzle and we laughed, then she headed back to the BLU starting point xD
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6211_1231002370361_1088160729_31280.jpg)
Another big group picture after the fight =D
![User Image](https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg70/_BM13_/Conventions/6211_1231002450363_1088160729_31280.jpg)
(*is the shorter Pyro in this picture*)
Then after we beat the crap out of eachother WE STARTED A CONGA LINE!
Our route started from the first floor by the stairs, then we went up the stairs, up the escelater, around the middle area up there for a minute, back down the stairs using a different escelater, down the stairs again, through the dealers room and the board game area, then back to where we started.
By the time we got to the dealers room we had so many people we were able to split the line in two and circle around one man with two large rings - one outer ring and one inner ring.
It was just absolutely fantastic. xD
If I find videos online I'll post them here biggrin
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