hey, ho, the wind and the rain.
I'm so tired. I'm probably going to fall asleep during the MRI. But that's okay. I'm not at all anxious. What I'm worried about is field hockey. Say I end up getting physical therapy. It would start two weeks from now, about, because I still have to go back to the orthopaedic to get the results of my MRI. Field hockey tryouts are at the end of August. So I would be on my way to recovering, but not utterly recovered. Even if I somehow don't get physical therapy I'm still loathe to continue running on this knee. I want it to be at least somewhat healed before going into any sports. And there's no question that I'd make the field hockey team. I'm their only goalie and I'm a damn good one at that. So the team needs me and I'm all busted up. Yay. But I never particularly cared for field hockey to begin with. It's a boring sport. I just don't want to go into the winter track season without having done a sport before that. I'd be all out of shape. gonk Ugh. I should just go to the weight room every day. Why do I do sports? I like lifting fine. And it's so much less complicated. No try outs or obligations to a team or anything. >_<