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The Journal of Risu the Troll
Bringing you riddles from the Riddle Room since page 6148 . . .
Sen's Riddle
Their power seems almost magnetic
Their existence is short lived
They can be found almost everywhere
Danger always surrounds them
What are they?

Answer - Tornadoes

Guesses from 13046 - 13193

Clues: Is it tangible? Sort of.

Are they on me right now!? I highly doubt it's on your body.

Are 'they' alive? No

0 - 9 - 13, 24, 42, 69.

A - Accidents, Adventure, Advertisements, Allergens, Alpha Particles, Animals (wild), a** (Assholery, Worship), Asteroids, Atoms, Atropine, Aurora (Australis, Borealis), Authoring, Autism, Autumn, Avatar (mine), Axes

B - BDSM, BSE, Bad Boys, Bacteria, Badgers, Baseball, Batteries, Beacons (Warning), Bears, Beauty, Belladonna, Beta particles, Betrayal, Black (Death, Holes), Bombs, Breath, Bugbears, Bugs

C - Candy, Carbs/sugars, Cars, Cartoons, Celebrities, Change, Characters, Chemistry, Chemicals (dangerous), Child labor, Chocolate, Christianity, Cigars, Cigarettes, Cliff diving, Collars, Collecting cards, Comets, Comic books (Spiderman), Common cold (the), Communism, Construction, Cookies, Cops, Couples, Conversations, Criminals, Cults, Cultures, Cumulonimbi, Currents

D - DNA, Damage (emotional), Dances, Deadly Nightshade, Depression, Diamonds, Dictatorships, Digging, Digitalis, Diseases, Drawing, Driving, Drugs (illegal)

E - EMP, Eating (over e-., contests), Education, Eclipses, Eggs, Electric (circuits), Electricity (any form), Electromagnet, Electrons, Elements, Emotions, Evangelicalists, Events, Everything, Explosions

F - Fads, Fats, Fame, Famous people, Fighting, Films, Fires, Fireflies, Flames, Flies, Florida, Flowers, Flu (the), Food (Junk), Forces (electromagnetic), Foxglove, Friends (imaginary), Friendship, Funerals

G - GaiaOnline (interesting items), Gambling, Games, Gamma Rays, Gangs, Gasoline, Gems, Generators, Getting high, Ghosts, Gifts, God, Gravity, Grass (Bermuda), Guesses (mine), Guns, Guys

H - Halloween, Having children, Heat, Hostage situations, Humans, Hypnotists

I - Ice, Internet, Interrogation, Ion,

J - Jargon, Jewelry, Jingles, Jinxes, Jocular, Jokes, Jovial,

K - Kings, Kisses, Kittens (half-eaten), Knowledge

L - Language, Laughter, Leaders, Letters, Lies, Life, Light, Lightbulbs, Lightning (bolts, bugs), Love

M - Mad cow disease, Magnetism, Magnets, Manipulative People, Marriage, Martyrdom, Matches, Mayflies, Memes, Memories, Metaphors, Meteors, Mexican Workers, Microwave oven, Minerals, Moisture, Moments, Monarchies, Monarchs, Money, Monopoly (Game), Moons, Mosquitoes, Movies, Mushrooms, Music, Mutants, Muzzle Flashes, Myspace

N - Naruto, 'No' (word), Nothing, Novels, Nuclear (Radiation, Weak N. Force)

O - Orbits, Out-doors (the)

P - Pain (physical), Parties, Patience, People, Planetoids, Planets, Plants, Poems (magnetic), Poisons (natural), Pole (North, South), Police (force), Politicians, Pollen, Poppies (fields thereof), Pornography, Powerpuff girls, Power surges, Presents, Prions, Proteins, Puppies

Q - Quantum physics, Queens, Questions

R - Radioactive isotopes (Unstable), Rainbows, Raves, Rebels, Rein, Relationships, Religion, Reputations, Revolutions, Riddle Room, Riddles, RNA, Rocket science, Rocketry, Romance, Royalty

S - Satan, School, Scratches, Seasons, Secrets, Semophores, Sex, Shooting stars, Siblings, Sin (Seven deadly S.-s), Sitcoms, Skiing, Skulls and crossbones, Slavery, Sledding, Sleet, Slots, Smiles, Smoking, Snakes, Snow (boarding), Social networking, Solar (Wind, Rays), Sparks, Sperm, Sports (extreme), St. Elmos Fire, Stars, Steam, Stock market (the), Storm, Strobes, Suicide, Sun (rise, spots), Superheroes, Surgery, Swords

T - Tasers, Teenagers, Telegraphs, Television, Totalitarian Rule, Toxins (natural), Traffic Jams, Treasure, Trees, Troll, Truancy, Truck (semi), Twilight

U - UFC fighting, UFOs,

V - Virginity, Virtue, Viruses, Vitamins, Voices

W - War, Weapons (in general), Weather, Wicca, Will-o-wisps, Women, Wood, Words,Wrecks (car), Wrestling, Writers forum, Writing

X - X-men, X-rays, Xenophobes, Xylophones,

Y - Yaks, Yellow,

Z - Zebras, Zithers,

Uncategorised -

Questions? Riddles? Something of that bent?

Running with scissors.

City-wide panic.

Copy pasta from wiki.

Long descriptions.

Risu's anger.

A dead Lois.

Blow hards who think they know what they're talking about.

A room in Cards.

Yanking of chains.

Psychotic episodes.

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