My Anti-phising rant
Let's explain something here. The next time I get another post, I will rant more and more on that one. Possibly make a discussion about it, put you on gim and bug you until I know you're reported.
I have a tendency to get very vicious towards people who try to use others. Yes, I know I'm a kneiving person in real life, but at least I know why I do it and it's a very reasonable idea for me to do so. I also know and will accept my consquences for when the judgement of truth cuts me out of my web of lies.
So, if I see one more of you idiotic, feces-stuffed cavemen again; you will suffer, and the consquences will not be merciful. I am also taking favors from friends, people like my poor little one or my dearie Grobanish want their phishers bashed, I will be happy too! I am like that. I hope you enjoy the rest of the day, both hackers/phishers and friends alike.
Good day to you sir! I said good day!
JB Keyser heart
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