Episode 13
Scene 1: Dizz enters the compound with Leni, he takes his hat off her head and shows her the room she will be sleeping in. she goes to the room and unpacks her stuff. Dizz is walking around the compound, it is quiet. Dizz holds his sword, Leni runs up to dizz...
Leni: Ok, Unpacked biggrin . wheres the training room at?....
Dizz: Be quiet....* looks around* Can you fight?
Leni: *whispers* Duhh, * she runs in her room and gets a sword. then she runs back out with dizz,She pulls the sword out smiles*
Dizz: ok, cause i think someone is in here.
*Leni gets a serious face.*
Leni: oo ok.
*Dizz walks into mel's room. he creeps the door open. the room is empty. him and leni slowly enters the room. he searches the room, then he sees Mel's lighter and pack of cigarettes on her drawer. he stops.*
Dizz: O my god, somthing is wrong...
Leni: What? i don't see anything bad...
*Dizz picks up the pack of cigarettes*
Dizz: Mel doesn't leave the compound without her cigarettes, let alone her lighter. I'm call syn up. * Dizz leaves the room and goes into the kitchen. he cuts the light on, and sees shadow on the floor, bleeding and holding a wound on his stomach. Dizz stops, then runs to the floor next to him. Shadow looks at dizz, and blood comes out his mouth, he coughs*
Shadow: *He smiles, bloods drips down his chin* GPD...went surrounded us...*Coughs up blood*
Dizz: Us? *wipes blood off his chin*
Shadow: Me and *coughs* me and syn...
Dizz: Where syn go? Never mind that, we gotta get help. * attempts to get up, but shadow grabs his arm.*
*Shadow looks at dizz, and grins. A tear goes down dizz's cheek.*
Shadow: Don't cry dizz,*Smiles* it's up too you and your brothers now. i trained you guys well...* coughs* i knew you guys would do the family good, since you guys where just kids. Show...*Coughs harder* Show them why KF is still alive..
*he reachs in his pocket, and pulls out a bag. he puts it in dizz's hand* Only open it when you feel like it's the time, i was saving it. You can only used it once. so be careful *Coughs*
Dizz: Don't go shadow, please, i need all you guys.. i need my family. *tries to hold back tears*
*Shadow looks at Dizz, and smiles*
Shadow: Don't get weak on me now, *Coughs* everyone needs you to be strong..
*Dizz begins to cry*
Shadow: it's my time dizz..*Looks up* imma miss you guys...*closes eyes*
Dizz: SHADOW!!
*Leni enters the room, she sees dizz crying next to shadow. She walks up too him and hugs him. Dizz gets up and takes off his hat. he picks up shadow and takes him outside. Dizz lays him on the ground. he kneels and lays his hat on shadows stomach,he closes his eyes, and prays. then after hes done, he opens his eyes. Shadows body is gone. Dizz stands up. And looks at leni. She frowns, but then she sees that Dizz is smiling. A tear goes down his face.
Scene 2: Dizz goes back in Mel's room and opens her closet. he pushes the clothes away and behind them are Weapons. He takes a Pistol and throws it to leni.
Dizz: You can shoot right?
Leni: You think i'm just a kid huh? *she cocks the pistol*
*Dizz looks at leni*
Dizz: pretty much..yea
*Leni shoots the gun right above Dizz's head, barely hitting him. Dizz is speechless, leni just smiles*
Scene 3: After they stock up on weapons, Dizz heads to blades room. he opens up the door and looks on his workbench. he sees a pair off shoes and takes them. he takes off his shoes and puts the ones he took on. then he walks out blades room and walks out back. He tells leni to hurry up and come out side. she goes out back with dizz. Dizz tells her to jump on his back. she does. then dizz clicks his heels and jets come out the soles of his shoes. then fly up in the air.
*While in mid air, leni asks*
Leni: where exactly are we going?
Dizz: to a fort GPD set up outside of Barton. we gotta take out red, once in for all
Leni: Wait..JUST US TWO?
Dizz: Hell no? My bro syn is leading a attack there, hes probably already there. he gotta hurry up.
Leni: Ok, but.....
*Dizz clicks his heels again and they go faster, They blast through the air.*
Scene 4: Syn is in a forest outside the forts walls. a group of people, including the family,Kam, Dustin and The Mob Family circle around him as he explains the tactics. Suddently, Dizz and leni land next to this gathering. Syn looks across the people towards Dizz. Dizz walks up too Syn.
Syn: Whos the kid?
Dizz: My new student, *Smiles*
Syn: Whatever, so this is the plan.
*everyone looks at Syn as he describes the plan*
Kam: Wow, that's easy just attack until you guys get in the fort.
Joker: But how will we know you guys are in?
Syn: Dizz will light a explosive to let everyone know.
Mel: wait...we just retreat?
Syn: Yea, me and dizz will take care of the rest.
Mannie: I don't know about you guys, but i'm going to keep fighting.
*The crowd starts to talk*
Syn: Ok ok, if you wanna keep fighting, go ahead. ok now lets make the groups..
Group 1- Leni,Macy, Megan, Kro and Mel
Mel: just put the girls together huh?
Dizz: Yea * Laughs*
Syn: Well you guys fight the best together..ok then
Group 2: Mannie, Joker And Kam
Kam: Dope.
Syn: ok, last group
Group 4- Me, Dizz Blade and dustin
Ok, lets go.
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