Now that HG/SS are coming, I have come to realize just how hindering and annoying the Ability system will be. Especially in terms of the Gym Leaders.
Falkner: Pidgey/Pidgeotto - Keen Eye: Prevents accuracy loss. I used to Sand-Attack the crap out of his Pidgeotto to stop it from using Mud-Slap on my Cyndaquil (my designated SS starter). Now, I won't be able to do that.
Bugsy: Metapod/Kakuna/Scyther - Shed Skin: Heals Stat conditions/Technician: Increases Power of Moves with an attack power or 60 or lower/Swarm: Strengthens Bug-type moves in a pinch. Only one I'm worried about is Technician. Quick Attack and Fury Cutter both have Attack Power less than 60. Combined with Leer is a problem.
Whitney: Clefairy/Miltank - Cute Charm: Infatuates on contact/Thick Fat: Halves power of Ice- and Fire-Type moves/Scrappy - Allows Normal-type moves to hit Ghost-Types. If taking out Whitney was hard enough. Now, I'll have to pay attention to my party members' genders before I take on the Goldenrod Gym. Also, if Miltank has Thick Fat, my Quilava would suffer big time.
Morty: Ghastly/Haunterx2/Gengar - Levitate: Makes Ground Moves miss. This is the most vexing of the new Leaders' parties. I used to be able to sweep him with some good Magnitudes from an early-caught Geodude. Now, I've got squat against it. Ground-type moves won't work. It's annoying to have to train an elusive Abra just to fight him. I can't think of any Ghost Pokemon you can catch between New Bark and Ecruteak.
Part 2 coming tomorrow.
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