There are 11 people in the same room and everyone knows that I use most of my freetime working on a single line in my mind for a new sketch, as everything starts from the first line^^ This is a nice sketch by a guy who took my pencil and paper and wanted to leave a mark, as I'd told them that I have a site I use to show my work. Guess he wanted to show that I'm not the only awesome person around who can do sketches. And I personally like this style he used, though I'm not very fluent in using it, hehe... Hmm, tell you what, I'll ask him for his own description/something-he-wants-to-say to you all^^ Possibly some time next week, k?
And here's the artist's own hellos (hehe, he's quite frozen by the honour) :
It just popped to my head, I didn't pay much attention to what I was doing... His scanner messed it up a bit... Hope you like it!
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