Summer, a chance to make a new u of yourself.
but then again summer is also about being lazy.
what do u choose? somehow since I can't stop being lazy
i can't make a new me of myself. i gotta find some inspiration.
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what u didn't think i was gonna keep talking about that did you?
can you believe back in the past our parents get summer on May and school starts on September? talk about lucky.
..............speechless right now soooooo heres comes random emoticons
biggrin smile redface stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk scream sweatdrop heart emo xp whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool lol mad razz cry evil twisted rolleyes exclaim question idea arrow neutral mrgreen ninja 4laugh rofl pirate talk2hand burning_eyes cheese_whine dramallama wahmbulance
hey wheres my grunny ninja? oh well............thats all for random reads
Stubborn Sweet Community Member |