OOC-"Okay. I found a new story to write, only I don't know how to change the name of my journal. ninja
Edit- "Friend told me. ^^ Yippee! Now I shall remember how to change it! Hopefully..."
In the year 2175, humans don?t live longer than fifty, if they reach sixty, they?re extremely lucky. Using science to solve our problems wasn?t the answer. When we first started modifying crops to makes them larger and immune to insects, we should have stopped there or stayed at that point. But scientists thought it was such a great thing, fewer crops were being eaten, they didn?t have t use as many pesticides, and it was all peachy. Until they started splicing?.
Now all humans live in fear of the hybrids now roaming the planet. We all try to live between the northern/southern to the equator. Global warming flooded the hemispheres and scorched the area around the equator, making all three areas, unlivable. The hybrids, or freaks as most call them, know this and hunt around the few areas that are still livable for us pure blooded humans.
We hide when they fly over us in search, but we are always hiding. If we didn?t, we wouldn?t last to age ten. Many blame the scientists and force them to the dead zones or give them to the ?freaks? in hope that they would leave them be. The ?freaks? promise not to harm them but they always do.
Right now I am located in a small cavern about one hundred twenty meters below the surface. I found this cave when I was seven. My family had just been captured or killed, I don?t know which because I had run before I found out. They were chasing me, flying in the sky and running on the ground.
My head whipped around, sweaty and matted brown hair flying around my face as I tried to see if I was being followed. My brown leather dress was ripped and bloody from the scratches I got from running through the thorn bushes that littered our forest.
I heard a screech above me and I lifted my head to see a black shadow with large wings spanning around twenty feet. Since my gaze was lifted, I didn?t see the root in front of me. Tripping I let out a startled scream that was cut off as I crashed into the dirt. I could hear the ?freak? landing behind me and I was about to get up and run before the ground beneath my falling figure crumbled and I fell screaming down an old mine shaft.
I should have died that moment I fell, but luckily, I landed in a large lake located many yards beneath the surface. My head broke the surface and I swam to the edge of the water, quickly collapsing as I dragged myself out.
When I woke up I don?t know how many hours later I stood up on shaky and bruised legs that didn?t want to support my weight. I stumbled over to one of the caverns walls that was closest and looked at it, surprised I could see it this deep below the surface. That?s when I noticed the small glitters coming from the roof and walls. ?Pretty?? I remember mumbling as I stepped away from the wall, now able to stand without it.
Walking to the edge of the lake I looked up at the hole I fell from and remembered why I was there in the first place. ?I was chased?? The shadow I saw flying above me flashed before my silver eyes, ?I guess they think I?m dead?? I mumbled my thoughts realizing if I was still here, they probably thought I died from the fall without even bothering to check.
Letting out a breath I didn?t realize I was holding, I started exploring my new home, realizing I couldn?t climb back out that long pipe until I had my strength back.
I found the small cave jutting off from the main cavern which I found actually has trees! It turns out this gigantic cave was made from oil miners that had found a large mount of the combustible liquid. But as I guessed, they gave up when they removed the ground of its? precious liquid leaving it empty for many decades. Rain water that had seeped through the dirt was what formed the lake that had saved my life, and the plants that are in this room were from the left over food-stuffs the miners had eaten and just thrown around lazily when they?d come down to inspect and make sure there was no more oil.
I guess I should be thankful, if it weren?t for those miners of old, I would have been captured and killed, or worse, enslaved. But I scowled soon after thinking that because if it hadn?t been for those that lived back then, we wouldn?t had the ?freaks? we have now.
Leaning back against an apple tree, I sighed happily, glad for finding this paradise. I?d been living here since I first fell in, which was ten years ago. I?ve thoroughly explored every cavern and found all secret passageways out into different parts. Like the one from my bedroom, which I barely use, that leads to the abandoned village where I grew up, or the one that is in this very cavern I?m in that leads straight to a compound where the ?freaks? live.
When I first found that tunnel, I was about eight to nine years old. I?d popped my head out only to quickly pull it back in as I saw the large amount of huts down below me. I remember seeing men and women walking around covered in fur, with wings, and other extremities coming out of a once human body. I promised myself I?d never go back into that tunnel as I crawled back to the cavern. I never want to be caught, and I never want to see another living creature other than my plants, in my life!
I was wrong; I heard a loud splash to my right coming from the lake I myself fell in. Jerking awake, I grabbed my weapon; a spear of willow, one yard long and a good two finger-joints in width. One end was sharpened to a deadly point and hardened from constant burning in a fire then dunking in water.
I walked out slowly, staying low with my spear held deftly in my right hand and my left on a small blade I?d found in the caverns, I believe it was once called a swiss-knife or something but it was very useful. It had many knives as well as a small but strong saw. I kept it in a small strap around my left thigh and in the many years I?d practiced so much that I could hit the smallest of sparkles on the rock walls, no way I would miss the large floundering figure that was struggling to the edge of the water, weighed down by what seemed many a large knife and arrows.
I kept to the few shadows that were in the room as I headed towards whatever it was as it lay, panting on the side of the water. My ears were open, listening to the gasps the thing made as it tried to get a gulp of air in its water-logged lungs.
It didn?t even notice me until I had the point of the spear against the back of its neck, which was when it took in a sharp breath and stopped shuddering. ?What are you doing here disturbing my privacy creature?? I growled out in the most hostile voice I could manage. I might have wanted to be alone for the rest of my life, but I couldn?t get over the fact that I had another person with me! At least, I thought it was a person?
The creature didn?t lift its eyes as it replied in a raspy male voice that was tired and weak, ?I?f-fell??
I laughed and pushed the point into its flesh, making it suck in a small amount of air to stop from crying out. ?Why did you fall? Certainly you?d have been watching where you were going?? I said it more as a statement but the figure, which I know knew was male, thought it was a question and answered me.
?I was...being ch-chased.? He gasped out, but now he had my attention, was he a survivor from my village? Was he being chased by the ?freaks? like I had been? I had to know.
?Chased? Chased by who? Tell me the truth or you won?t be able to get that breath you need to live.? I said through gritted teeth as I leant on the spear, making it go in deeper so a small trickle of blood started to come from just below it.
He whimpered and let his face get pushed into the dirt not wanting to aggravate me. ?By the fl-flyers.?
?Flyers?? I asked now confused, what were these ?flyers? that he spoke of? I guess living in a hole didn?t keep me up-to-date with the new lingo.
?The Flyers, you know, the searches. They fly out to capture the runaways that dare to try to run off.? He said with a bit more energy but still in a meek whisper.
?Why were you being chased?? I almost yelled at him, not wanting to get off topic.
He whimpered and shifted slightly making me push down on the spear more, not so it would go any deeper, but to hold him where he was. ?I was running, a-away. C-Can you let me...up pl-please? I c-can?t bre-eathe.?
I looked at him and noticed that his face was now almost fully submerged in the muddy dirt and I quickly pulled the spear away, but kept it ready, in a throwing position. He rolled over and moaned quietly before lying down on his back, head tilted back slightly to keep his wind-pipe open. That?s when I noticed a large wound on his side, bleeding freely even as he tried to cover it with his hand. ?Oh my god!? I yelled and dropped the spear running over to him, bending over him in a crouch position.
Tentatively I removed his hand and he was too weak to do anything about it. Peeling his green and brown shirt up, I grimaced at the wound that was just below his ribs; it was deep, from what I guessed was deep, and covered in mud. I mentally slapped myself for pushing him into it now, his chest was moving up and down very slightly with his shallow breaths. ?I?ll be right back, don?t move!? Turning and standing I ran back to the cavern with the trees and came back with a cloth, made out of a square of my old dress, a bucket, and many small cups and bowls made of wood that held medicines I?d made over the years through experimenting.
He watched me silently as I filled the bucket and started cleaning his side with the cloth. It took a bit to remove the mud from him, but when it was gone. I saw the injury this male was enduring the whole time I?d been threatening to kill him. It was from the bottom of his ribs down to just above his pant line. The blood wasn?t flowing as much now but I guessed that was because he had very little left.
I didn?t examine it anymore because he body shuddered as if saying he was about to faint. Quickly I placed a large dollop of dark green goop that smelt like herbs.
His body tensed and he sucked in a quick breath through clenched teeth. I guessed it hurt so I quickly got behind him and pushed him slowly into a sitting position, bracing his back with my knee, I quickly wrapped him up.
I dapped at the mud on his face a few minutes after a lot of dragging, carrying and limping towards the cavern with the trees. He was propped up against a tree with his eyes closed as I removed the mud, ?Sorry about before...? I muttered apologetically as I cleaned his cheek, ?I haven?t been around others for a long time; I don?t trust them much now??
He nodded as if understanding me and waited for me to clean the last of the mud off of his eyes before opening his eyes and looking at me with flashing golden eyes which startled me thoroughly. ?It?s alright, I shouldn?t have dropped in like that,? HE said with a bit of amusement in his voice as he smiled cockily showing bright white teeth.
I couldn?t help it, I smiled back but I soon stopped as I noticed his teeth, his canines were pointed. My eyes started their first real look of his body and my mind freaked. This guy, this very hot guy, was a freak! His blond hair was long and scattered over his shoulders. There were two pointed and bronze furred ears on the top of his head, jutting out of his hair matching it perfectly. My eyes widened in fear as I realized what I?d done; I?d helped a freak! I should have killed him! The words my dad had chanted to me from when I was four were now going around my head sternly: Never help a freak. If you do, they?ll just kill you. They may seem nice at first, but never trust them. Are you listening Alysia? NEVER help a freak!
My heart jumped into my throat and I started moving back away from him, my eyes still circles. His smile faded and his eyes hardened, he wagged his tail behind him- He has a tail! My mind screamed as it reached above him and wrapped around a branch to help him get up.
I kept moving back as he started walking towards me without a limp this time, back set straight and eyes focused straight on my now quivering form. Cursing myself mentally for throwing away my spear I remembered my knife and quickly looked down, fumbling beneath my skirt to get to the small blade around my thigh.
I didn?t get it out in time because he pounced on me and pinned my to the ground using his knees to stop my kicking ones and forcing my hands out away from my body. His fingers tightened around my wrists and I cried out, feeling tears pricking between my now closed eyelids as I waited to feel his sword that I hadn?t removed from his back going through my gut. I opened my eyes and watched him fearfully as I heard it being removed from its sheathe and watched him as he brought it above his head ready to strike.
To Be Continued... ninja
Please help me fix it! Here's the first thingy. I actually wrote it for my science class but I'm gunna keep it for here." View User's Journal
A place where I can be myself
This journal, contains all of me; states of Mind, whimsical pieces of Art that I concoct, all from the deep Recesses of my bewildered and Insanely bemused mind. Join me in my Sanctum Sanctorum and let it remove that false reality, for it bodes Untrue
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