It's almost Christmas time, and just like last year, it's time to recount my past experiences over the months. But before we move into that, I think a little satire is in order, one that's based upon my real life. You all can do this too, in fact, I encourage you to, because it would be neat to find out this info.
Name: Brandon Groen
Class: Pizza Maker
Secondary Class: Trainer
Level: 18
Weapons: Drawing Pencils (H-8B), Puree Ladle and an angry outlook on life.
Armor: Monical's Pizza employee uniform, cosplay material
Experience Towards Next Level: 6 months, 14 days
Greatest Allies: Coworkers, Friends,
Greatest Enemies: People, Parents
Ok, enough of that, onto the main topic! This year's RECOUNT!!!
January: Not much happened here. It was cold and wet and slushy.
February: It's always been a kind of depressing month for me, so not much to say here.
March: Um, Mc Donald's introduced those Shamrock Shakes? That's worth mentioning, right?
April: One FULL year at Monical's Pizza served. I get a pin, I get a pin!
May: Whew! It's over! High School is over!!! About time too...And Star Wars! BAD a**! I went to the midnight showing and totally geeked out with a Tusken Raider.
June: My birthday, of course. Not really much else. Got my driver's license.
July: Nothing here as well.
August: Oh noes! College is coming! But so is Anime Iowa...
September: Two words. Anime Iowa. The best convention so far! I went raving, got chased around by fangirls, and hosted a Naruto video game tournament! I'll be there next year, definitely!!!
October: Halloween was fun. Scaring people into dropping their candy is even more fun!
November: Battlefront II came out. Gota love those Star Wars games. And Thanksgiving, where I can stuff my face all I want.
December: Vicky-chan, you are the best thing out of this whole list...if even my whole life. You get this month's prize! heart
And that's that! I hope you all have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year, as I probably won't be posting until after the break (has stuff to do...). Ja mata for now!!!! 2005 is outta here! scream blaugh
Current Music: Funky Sonic World - Des Row
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Confessions of an Insane =SHINOBI= Version: 2006, Microsoft K.A.N.T.I Op. #: N/A
This is my confessions, diaries. I will post in this as often as possible for all of your enjoyment. My writing hobbies will include what I did during the day, what I like to gripe and whine about, and the occasional "humanity insult"
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Mine would me like:
December to april: Out of commision due to 10 biruses and a surgery.
March: Oo I turn 18
December: I take my ex druggie ex boyfriend back for a second chace with me.
Wow what a boring year I have had. xD