So. Here I am again. I've been active recently in my Journal. It kind of surprises me. But why am I here today? A simple reason. And one I feel strongly about. Chatspeak, or leetspeak for others. It's the trend used on the computer to abbreviate entire phrases down to a few letters, or using numbers in words instead of letters. Here are a few examples: lol (Laugh out loud), wtf (What the ********), omg/omfg (Oh my god/Oh my ******** god), I h8 u (I hate you), and so on...
If you're wondering why I am writing about this subject, which you probably are, then here is my reason. It pisses me off. To no end. It originally didn't. I figured, "Hey! People are lazy. Other people understand it. It's a faster way of social typing. Cool." But now, this crap has extended to actual writing and (God dammit) talking. I can't count the times I have heard people, instead of laughing, actually say "lol". Or, instead of saying "what the ********," say "wtf". I have heard it so many times, that I worked this out: saying "what the ********" is actually shorter than saying "wtf". Why? "What the ********" only has three syllables. "Wtf" has five. Because you actually have to say "W". Whenever I hear people say chatspeak crap, I want to rip their tongues out because they obviously don't deserve them.
And as for leetspeak, why would you want to put numbers in words? The only reason I see, is because some sites have word-filters and won't let you cuss. So you substitute numbers for letters to do so. Other than that, I see no good reason. It's just dumbing down our generation. Already kids around my age ( I'm 18 ) are using numbers and actual chatspeak in their writing. And I'm not just talking about on computers or texting. I'm talking about letters or schoolwork. Yes, I have seen people use this in schoolwork.
Not only that, but I see "lol" everywhere. I mean everywhere. People seem to think it's ok to put something the means "laugh out loud" next to something that doesn't make people laugh, or is far too serious a subject for laughing. It annoys me. They misuse and overuse a term whose meaning is far too obvious. It takes the truly retarded to misuse "lol".
I can't help but be angry any time I see any chatspeak/leetspeak "words". I try as hard as I can to keep it in, because going off on someone for something like this is like yelling at a baby for crying. There's no point, there going to do it no matter what. Which is why I'm saying this here. I needed to get this off my chest. Now you people, or those who will actually read this, know the reason behind my use of full words and sentences. I refuse to fall into this trend of simple mistakes, because it will become a habit. And habits always crossover into anything even remotely related.
If you support my opinion, feel free to inform me or not.
If you do no support my opinion, feel free to inform me or continue being retarded. It is your choice.
This is Justin Bell, The Lord of Pestilence, telling you to be smart. Don't use chatspeak.
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Nothing is ever easy.
Drink, drink, drink, until the rum is gone!
Ye must not stop, no never stop! Until the break of dawn!
We sail and fight, to show our might!
No one can stop us now.
So drink, drink, me dear sweet lass, until the rum is gone.
Ye must not stop, no never stop! Until the break of dawn!
We sail and fight, to show our might!
No one can stop us now.
So drink, drink, me dear sweet lass, until the rum is gone.
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How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
*standing ovation* :3
Funny story I have for you:
A professor assigned his students some homework. He printed out the questions, photocopied them, and handed them out to all students in his class. He instructed them only to do the first 2 (or something like that). Later, he decided that #3 was do-able, so he e-mailed the class, telling them to do #3. When the assignments were due, he couldn't help but notice that no one did #3, so he talked to a guy in the class and asked him if he received the e-mail to do #3. The student said that he did receive the e-mail, but ignored it. The professor was surprised.
Professor: Okay... so you... ignored it.
Student: Yeah, because you said to us in your e-mail:
"Please do question #3.
And... "JK" was the professor's initials. xD
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!