Well....she was born a blonde....
I had to share this with you.
At work, we have security badges to gain access to the interrior of the building where all the "super secret stuff" (aka a few hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of computers and networking stuff). Because of our merger they're giving us new security badges
"Batches? We doan need no steenkin batches!" (couldn't resist!)
Anyway, they had the wrong picture on a badge with my name on it so they had to go reprint the badge. I was telling my friend about this and this was her response:
"So we're getting new badges, pictures, and names?"
My response?
"Well, Jessica, with the merger I can see why the new badges. I think they'd keep the pictures but if not, I'm happy--I hate my picture on my current badge. As far as getting new names...unless we saw something that could put our life in danger and we're being put into a Witness Protection program, I don't think we're getting new names."
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