Are fangirls always are looking for new characters to slobber on?
Another question. Do fangirls switch from one kind of thing to another?
(example: Anime to books? Vice versa?)
Another. How does it work? Do fangirls watch one anime, read one book, etc., and then attach themselves to a target, but when theywatch another anime, do they switch targets or do they just add another target to their growing pile?
How do they choose their target? Do they just look at some character and say "Yep. That's it.", or do they observe closely for a long time and perhaps make mental notes, (and so on and so forth) and then decide?
And why do they choose that target? Looks, personality, who they saw first, who a friend likes best, who an enemy hates the worst, habits, or something completely different?
Can someone help me out?
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