Chapter 23 The room we walked in looked like a ballroom. My dad started to laugh. He was sitting on a chair. (Lazy a**) "Good job Terry, you caught them both." Dad announced. Max and I both looked at Terry. Terry looked confused too. "I didn't capture them. We're here to end your life."Terry explained. My dad had a straight face after Terry told him. "What do you mean?"My dad asked and stood up. "We are going to kill you."Max said to him. "No you won't, cause I'm going to kill you first."my dad answered back. He took a gun out and pointed it at Max. I got scared, so I threw the knife at my dad. He stumbled back, and knife went in his chest. And the gun crashed to the ground. We all got excited until, we looked at my dad's face. He just started to laugh. "Do you really think this is going to kill me?"He said with confidence. He took the knife out of his chest, and he threw it right back at me. I was frozen, and I couldn't move. Then Max pulled on my arm and I dodge the knife. The knife hit the big doors and was stuck in the door. "Are you okay?"Max asked. "Yeah."I replied. "Is that all you got?" My dad screamed at us. After he said that, Terry ran up to my dad. Terry was going to punch him, but my dad grabbed his arm, and he threw Terry back to the door. As Terry was flying in the air, Terry hit his back on the wall, and he fell to the ground. "Fools, your no match for me."my dad smirked. I ran to Terry. "Are you okay?" I asked scared. He nodded his head. Max ran to the door, and he took the knife out of the door. He ran to my dad, and my dad ran toward to him. Max swung the knife to my dad. Then, my dad grabbed the hand with the knife in his hand, and he took the knife from Max. Then, my dad started to slash the knife everywhere. Max dodged the best he can. But the one move that my dad made, was terrifying. My dad stabbed Max's right shoulder. Max's eyes got widen. Then my dad took the knife out of his shoulder and Max fell to the floor. "Max!" I screamed with terror. "Any last words?" My dad told him. "Go to hell." Max replied. Then, once my dad was about to stab Max, we all heard a gun shot. But none of us had a gun. Then my dad dropped to knife, and he knelt to the ground. I saw who was behind him. My eyes were over flowing with tears. It was my brother, Rea.
ButterBeair · Mon Jun 22, 2009 @ 06:42pm · 0 Comments |