~Demon v.1~

Total Value: 4,714,972 Gold
After Exclusions: 4,301,269 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Bone Scythe
Red And Maroon Reversible Bracelets
Scar of the Warrior
Masquerade 9th Gen.
Nice Style For Work
Jinxi's Charm (7th Gen)
Zhivago's Underwear
Lovely Genie Red Bangled Bra
Fremere's Guard 6th Gen.
Reve Rouille 9th Gen.
Gogh Reed 11th Gen.
Yemaya's Pearl 9th Gen.
Yemaya's Pearl 9th Gen.
Burn Devil Horns
White Body Dye
~Demon v.2~

Total Value: 2,333,851 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Picolitrosso's Urn
Zhivago's Underwear
Lovely Genie Red Bangled Bra
Red Fae Boots
Fremere's Guard 5th Gen.
Reve Rouille 4th Gen.
Gogh Reed 7th Gen.
Yemaya's Pearl 6th Gen.
Yemaya's Pearl 6th Gen.
Burn Devil Horns
White Body Dye