u have no comments....people dont love u but i will if ur r not a facist, boobie, newbie, noobie, teeple, 45 year old fish stick eater posing as a 13 year old girl, drag queen, sirenated monkey, if ur name is lucy or sue, and if u like RC Cola. Do u wear fake eyelashes? MICHEAL JACKSON DOES Do u haved a big nose? RICHARD NIXON DOES! Do u have a fist beneath ur beard? CHUCK NORRIS DOES! Do ur hips always tell the truth and shake like ur a mexican but there not? SHAKIRAS DOES. Do you have abnormally big lips and yet you have paprazzi around you at all times? ANGELINA JOLIE DOES! Do people think your hot even though you have severe boxface? BRAD PITT DOES! Do u claim to love someone even though everyone knows u r obviously gay and star in serious movies about assasinating tyrants wearing an eyepatch? TOM CRUISE DOES! Do you wear so much makeup that your face comes out an inch further than its supposed to TAYLOR SWIFT DOES !Do you write son gs begging people not to leave you because everyone so far has left you? PINK DOES! Does everyone tell u to go to rehab but u say no no no in song form and look like a pirate whos missing their parrot? AMY WINEHOUSE DOES! Do your parents hate you so much that you go on a killing spree at 3am then write a song about it then blame your wife who "cheated on you" even though you cheated on her and draag on and on about a daughter that everyone hears about but no one has ever actually seen EMINEM DOES! Do you have a candy coating with suculant chocolate filling with an M printed on every individual peice M&MS DOES!! Do you star on a TV show about a group of tight knit friends and yet still have none JENNIFER ANNISTON DOES! Do you show ur patriotism in a volgure way in which a red white and blue banana hammock is involved and strutted your buldge on Saturday night live WILL FARRELL DOES! Do you look like a mix between avril lavigne and Madonna and write songs about fruit and have a personal pose of Asians GWEN STEFANIE DOES! Do you go on emotional rampages thus shavi ng your head and then bust out with a new albulm displaying your ex husband as a open man and youself as a circus whore BRITNEY SPEARS DOES! Do you know that no one can touch you in your golden parachute pants MC HAMMER DOES! Do you constantly have fags jumping on your couch and can't go a minute without giving something away OPRAH WHINFREY DOES! Do you constanly get death threats from suposed troubled individuals because you try to fix everyone even though your balding Sir DR PHIL DOES! Do you you go up on stage in front of millions of people and sing songs about she bangin when your wing wang goes ping pang WILLIAM HUNG DOES! Do you make songs that make Gay boys feel Fergalicious FERGIE DOES! Do you go up to accept awards in skin colored dresses and reffer to yourself as threedifferent people on a daily basis MILEY CYRUS/HANNAH MONTANA/RICHARD BIGSBY DOES! Do you do stupid pointless musical movies with a frizzy haired girl who calls you stud? JOHN TRAVOLTA DOES! Do you go to a high school filled with people who sing at lunch time and are named after ugly dogs ZAC EFFRON DOES! Do you have a name that reminds people of Lates and teeth QUEEN LATIFA DOES! Do you play an awesome spiderman and make loads of money jumping from buildings and making out with gorgous redheds and then quit because you want people to take you seriously TOBY MCGUIRE DOES! Do you star in movies about magical rings and make yourself seem gay in certain scenes EJIAIH WOOD DOES! Do you cause paparazzi panic by hiding your only biological child away for three years and adopt five more in the sam three years KATIE HOLMES DOES! Do you overplay the fact that your name has a duhbaya (w) in ity and manage to run an entire countries economy into the groujnd in a matter of a few years GEORGE W. BUSH JR DOES! Do you run a show that includes the following phrases, "Your my babys daddyh", "that ain't my baby you whore", "when we get outta here im gon beat yo a**" ect. MAURY POVITCH DOES! Are you a wussy who stands in the back while big macho dudes and scrawny bitches fight on public televison on your show JERRY SPRINGER IS! Do you scream at people for ruining their own lives and yet your job is to be in control of their fate JUDGE JUDY DOES!