I haven't made a journal entry in awhile! At least, I haven't made a public one in awhile.
The private ones were just posts so that I can keep track of stuff. For example: Funny quotes, links to minishops, links to some of my subscribed threads that I don't visit often and take space up in my Thread Subscriptions list, links to profile theme sites like Tektek, and Gaian guides & resources.
I think the last one was about Mother's Day.
Well anyways, school ended for me last week and now I'm waiting for my vacation to Taiwan! I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to visit all of my relatives. And spend time with my cousins, I hope. It's pretty late now while I'm typing but it's summer so I can sleep as late as I want! :3 I'm also pretty thirsty right now so when I finish this journal entry I'm going to go to my bedroom to take a drink out of my water bottle.
I bought the Reve Roille today in the marketplace. I've sold a bunch of my stuff lately and I've earned quite a lot of gold by playing Booty Grab. Booty Grab is a really fun game, especially when you go to those threads with a lot of those high-trigger tanks. Sometimes (not that often though) I earn 1k+ from one tank!
I've updated my profile again. I got a new theme, and the anime characters on there look pretty cute. I've also been collecting avatar art. Here's one of them. I put another one on my profile, and then another one in my signature if I haven't changed it already. I change signatures often because I get tired of them quickly.
I would have posted this in my profile, but I don't think it goes along with the theme that well. I like online quizzes, especially personality ones with cute results. Here is my result from one of them:

What type of Fae are you?
This might have described me accurately, but I am not very adaptable, I'm not exactly that creative, I'm not at all cynical, and I am obviously not unstable!! scream
Here's my other one from the same site. If you're interested in these stuff you might try taking these quizzes.

Find your Celestial Choir
Ah, I have to go now but when I have time I'll write another journal entry.