The First art about gaia was done by yours truly as a gift to my friend who introduced me to Gaia. (do to the fact that i was pennyless XD )

Second was by : Raiana

The third I did for Atna on her B-day :3

This one was by Golden Apple @

This lovely drawing was by : M0btasmah <33


.......... by icyxchan <3 .......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by ME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <33333 by SH3SH3 <3
:: flyff ART ::
Lets start with the oldest : IiIBlueBerryIiI

She is a lvl 92 BillPoster!

This was drawn by Atna <3333

The second is TheBlue She is a Bow Jester lvl 102

This was drawn to me by GoldenApple @ ACA

The third and most loved by all is ThePink lvl 87 Ring master

This was drawn by Atna <333

This is by Hika chan!!

Finally: a group picture of the old flyff gang by Atna:

This is one of my favorite fashions in flyff worn by me:

Thats all for now ^__^