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"When you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again."~Albert Einstein
~Red Eyes~
I stare mindlessly at the boy i've liked ever since kidergarten(Im Fifteen Now.) "LILAYAH! I swear your always staring at him! I bet he thinks you just some wriedo that dosen't know how to walk up to someone!"Said my best friend since we were bron. I acttully mean it his and my mom were friends ever since 3rd grade and had us at the same time. His name is Adien. I sighed. "Thats the thing! I'm just some plain werido-spinless-freak!" I yelled back. "I'm pertty sure werido and freak are the same"Said Adien. I roll my eyes and take a quick glance back at my crush. Alexander. It looked like he looked at me. I quickly truned back at adien. "Omg! Did you see that!?!?!"I yelped. Adien nodded and sighed. "Trun around. Alexander is coming" Said Adien bitterly. I quickly truned around and saw Alexander coming our way. "Hey Lilayah"He Said Clamly. "Hi" I Sqeaked out.*The Bell Rings* "Oh hear the bell! Come LayLay time for class"Said Adien way too fast.I Sighed." stare Fine.....Bye Alexander" I Said. "Bye see you later" Alexander called as me and Adien headed for English.
~At Lunch~
"Omg that pop quiz was unexpected and hard"Said my other best friend Raven. I shook my head and laughed. "Well i'm pertty sure thats why it's called a pop quiz. It's supose to be unexpected and hard" Said Adien. "Nerd!"Said Raven. I Laughed and sat down next to them. "Having fun?" I asked them. Adien rolled his eyes. "Not really when Mr.Know-It-All is around" Said Rave as she sticked her tounge out at him. A really hot guy walked up to our table. The guy had long black hair with on blonde streak in the middle. He has sliver-ice green eyes. His skin was perfectly pale and clear. He was wearing a skin-tight E.T.F t-shirt and grey skinny jeans. "Hey Raven...can I sit with you?"He said shyly. "Oh Hey! Yea"Raven said really exictedly. "Guys this is the new kid. Damien. Damien this is my two crazy friends Lilayah or as we like to call her LayLay and Branic Adien" Said Raven. "Hi! Your the new kid!?!?!"Said Adien. "Hi" I said shyly. Damien sat next to me. I glanced at my friend who were sitting across from me. Raven winked at me. I Blushed. I heard Adien sigh. I looked up and saw Alexander coming our way. I Smiled. "Hey Lilayah"Said Alexander. "Hi"I Said. Adien sighed loudly. I looked at him. Then I felt my phone viabrating. I grabed my phone out of my pocket. It was text from Adien. It said :I Gotta Tell U Something Meet Me In Tha Hallway! NOW!: I looked up at him."Excuse me from a minute." I said and got up and walked out to the hallway. Once I was far away from the lunch room I truned around to expect Adien. All of a sudden I was punch by someone and then hit in the back of the head with something hard. I fainted...
I woke up in a pitch black room. I heard and evil laugh that made me freeze eek . "Hi Miss.Lilayah.....or should I say Melissa"Said and deep and scary voice. "Melissa? I'm Melissa" I croaked out. No one ever knows my werewolf name but my pack I thought. I'm a werewolf. I felt a sharp nail dig into my back. I let out a loud cry of pain. It finally hit me. I knew who it was. "JHON!! What do you want?!!??!!?" I said in shock. Jhon was my ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him because I found out he was a Vampire and that he was cheating on me. If you don't already know Vampires and Werewolfs are forbidden to date let alone be friends. "I missed you Melly"He wishpered into my ear. My back siften. He laughed again. I tried to get up but I was tied to a rope. "Jhon! This isn't funny let me go Now!" I growled out. Jhon just laughed. -I Swear His Laugh Is getting On My Nevres! I Just Want To Tear Out His Neck.-I thought harshly. My anger took my whole body. I felt my bone changing postion.I felt an evil smile gilde onto my mouth. I felt my mouth turn into a blonde,light brown and black wolf muzzle. I felt the chair break under my paws. -LayLay what happen are you okay?!!??!-I heard Adien yell in my head. Werewolfs can read eachother's minds and also talk to them in their minds too. I showed them what had just happen. -JHON KIDNAPPPED YOU!?!?!?!WHEN I COME THERE HE IS DEAD!- Adien said. Adien is a werewolf too. I had just notice Jhon hadn't say anything. I heard footprints behind me. I quickly turned around and saw movement. I ponuced torward what was moving and tore something. I heard a loud cry of pain. "LayLay hun comeone please don't do this" Said Jhon he sounded breathless. I tore at him again. -DONT EVER CALL ME HUN AGAIN!- I yelled in my mind. He let out a cry of pain again. "Okay Okay I'm Sorry" He said. I heard footprints and smelled other werewolfs. -Okay Lilayah get off of him were here he can't hurt you anymore- I heard Adien. I slowly walked backwards. I replayed what had just happen over and over again in my head. -Oh My God! I almsot killed him!-I thought. I'm not the kind of person who would kill someone......ever. I changed back to my human from and found a t-shirt and baggy shorts. I looked at Adien and Cody(Another pack memeber) they were carry Jhon's almost tore up body. I strated to cry. "I'm turning into a monster!" I cried out. I Heard someone walking behind me. We had the lights on now so it wasn't hard for me to see now. I truned around to see who was behind me........

It Was Damien!!! I saw Damien that new kid Raven showed me and Adien today. "Um......" Damien Said. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Um.........."He said. I rolled my eyes. "Well Um... dosen't give me much to work with...Jeesh" I said. Damien looked at me and then quickly ran out the room. Adien walked in with Cody "Who was that?" Asked Cody. "Adien that was that new kid Raven showed us today at school" I said not pealing my eyes off the door that Damien walked out. "Why would he would be here"Asked Adien. "Why would I know?" I said. "Well lets go home your mom is worried about you." Adien said. "Well then I think we should get home" I said. We walked out the old shed. When I got home I was attacked by an big bear hug from my mom. "Mom i'm okay" I said. "Ohmygod honey are you okay?" My mom asked really worried. I pushed away from her. "Mom chill i'm okay!" I snapped but then felt bad for snapping at her. "Okay as long as your okay" Said my dad walking into the room. "No cuts or anything right?"My mom asked. I rolled my eyes. I remebered the one cut that Jhon gave me. "Only one but it dosen't really hurt" I said. My mom's eyes got big. "Where is it let me see it" She said. I notice everyone who was watching us from and nice length away were really close now. I sighed and truned around. I heard a scream of fear and then a thud. I quickly truned back around........
I saw my mom laying on the floor passed out. I looked around and everyone was looking at me with big eyes and droped mouths. "What?What?What's going on?" I wimpered out starting to get scared. Adien walked through the group of people with tears overflowing at the surface of his bottom eyelid. I started to cry it hurt to see Adien crying. "What Going On!?!?!"I Cried out. No one said anything, they only stared. Adien ran to me and huged me tightly. The hug felt wrong, it felt like he tought this would be the last I would ever see him. I started to cry getting really worried. I ran up to my room and grabed a hand mirror. I stood infront of the body mirror then turned around. I held the hand mirror up and then postion it so I could see what was wrong. I saw a purple glowing line coming through the shrit. I pulled my shirt up and saw a the cut it looked like purple blood with a little bit of sliver. I screamed in fear. I pulled my shirt back down and fell to the ground. I started thinking then I remebered a time when I was 5 it was my 5th brithday that was the day I found out I was a werewolf. I remeber being on the swings while my dad was pushing me he said "Lilayah since your a werewolf you must know that can hurt us the only thing". I looked up at him. "What is it daddy?" I asked fearfully. "It's real sliver" He said sadly. "Is there anyway we could help it from hurting us?" I asked. My dad shook his head sadly. My memorie was inturrpued by a knock on the door. I looked up at the door with tear fulled eyes. "Come in" I manged out. Adien came in he looked like he's been crying for hours. The top of his shrit was soaked from tears. "LayLay" He cried out and hugged me tightly. I started crying hard and hugging him tightly too. "Please don't leave me" He cried out. I started crying so hard I was getting a headache. "I don't think I well be able to." I said softly. Adien pulled away. "If you can't make it then i'll tell you something important" He said. I just nodded. "Laylay I.........."
"I............love you Lilayah!" Adien cried out and hugged me. I stared blankly at the wall. -Thats why he would be so rude when Alexander was by me!- I thought. The promblem was that.....i'm so sure that I love him. I pulled away and looked into Adien's Green-Blue-Sliver eyes. I remebered everything we went through together. I started to realized I loved him alot. "I love you too" I said. We leaned into kiss when I heard a really loud bang on the window. I jumped up and truned to my window. My heart sank when I saw.........

I saw Damien. Damein's eyes were a rust-blood red and I swear it looked like he was smiling at me with a evil smile that had.....VAMPRIE TEETH!! I screamed as I shot up in my bed. I quickly looked around my room. -It was just a dream just a dream- I thought with a sigh. I saw movment at the bottom of my bed. I crawled to the end of my bed and saw a dark brown werewolf.It was Adien. I hit him with my pillow. Adien woke up. Adien looked at me with a glare that I knew said "Don't Wake Me Up" I laughed and went back to sleep. I woke up again from a really painful backache. Adien was sleeping next to me in his human form now. Adien felt me move and woke up real quick. Adien looked around then at me. "I had a bad dream Adien" I said. "What was it about?"He asked. I told him about me and him almost kissing and the cut and Damien and the vamprie teeth. Adien looked at me with big eyes. "I think that there has to be a connection with Damien,Vampries,Jhon,the Dream I had,and what happen to me" I said. Adien looked at my window and thought for a while. "I think we should tell the elders" Adien said. I agreed. We walked down stairs. I saw my mom and dad sitting at our dinning table. "How was your sleep?" My mom asked. "I'm Okay" I said. I saw a bandage around my mom's head. "Mom are you okay?" I asked. My mom looked down but then nodded. "Mom I think we should get the whole pack here" I said. My mom looked up at me starled."Why what's a matter hun?" She asked. "I'll tell everyone when they get here" I said. I walked into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and looked up at the clock. It was 1:02am. Adien walked out side and changed from and howled to get everyone to meet here. About a half an hour passed and everyone was at my house now. They were looking up at me as I waited for Adien. Adien finally came in and stood next to me. "Um..Hi everbody. I had a dream today. But before you say anything. I think it's important you hear this." I said. I looked around and everyone was looking at me not saying anything at all. "Well it starts off with yesterday at lunch I had gotten a text message from Adien to meet him out by the hallways. I had gotten hit on the back of my head when I was out in the hallways. When I woke up I was in a pitch black room with the one and only Jhon" I said letting everyone take it in then started again. "He was getting on my nevres so I kinda lost my temper and almosted..." I said stopped becuase it was hard for me to say it. "Killed him" I said quietly. I heard gasp from a couple people. "Well when Adien and Cody came and brought Jhon's body out I saw this new kid my friend show me and Adien earlier at lunch. I asked him what was he doing here. He didn't answer me but ran fastly out the room." I said. "Then I had a dream that well wasn't very nice.... I had a dream that I had this purple cut with sliver in it on my back. Me and Adien were hugging when I saw Damien staring at me with rust-blood red eyes and vamprie teeth. I tell you guys this because I think Damien has a to deal with this in a big way" I said. One of the elders walked up to me. Her name was Nana, well thats what we call her. "LayLay I don't think we should be jumping the gun."Said Nana. "What? Nana? You don't believe me?" I asked feeling hurt. "No No I just think that we should get are facts frist"She said. I sighed and ploped down in a chair. "Okay who wants some brakfest?" My mom said trying to change the mood. Everyone said yea and started talking to each other. I walked into the living room. I sat down and truned on the t.v. I was flipping through the channels when I heard a scream then a howl of pain than an evil laugh. My whole body took over me and then I couldn't control what I was doing. I walked into the dinning room and saw a group of Vampries standing over Nana,my mom, and my dad. i screamed a eardrum bleeding scream. One of the vampries looked up at me. The vamprie's mouth was all bloody. Then it I noticed who it was. It was.........
It was Damien. Damien's eyes were rust-blood red like in my dream. Damien had an evil smile too. I looked down and saw Nana,Mom,Dad,And Adien. I fell to my knees and started crying. I shook my head which made my tears fly everywhere. "My lil LayLay be strong no matter what don't trust anyone but yourself" My dad said. I felt my bones changing. I attacked Damien and started to tear at him. Damien pushed me off with his hands and feet. My back hit the conner of a wall. I fainted. I woke up. I saw adien. I quckly got up and hugged him. "You Okay!!"I yelled hugging him even tighter. "Your Okay!" He said hugging me and laughing. "Is Nana,Mom,And Dad Okay?" I asked. Adien looked down sad. I looked closely at him. He was crying. "NO!NO!NO! YOUR LYING!!"I Yelled. "I wish I was. Your Mom and Dad was killed by Jhon and Damien" Adien said. I started to cry. "Their going regret what they did I swear on it" I said. Doctors and nruses came running in. "Miss.Anderson I see your awake" Said a doctor. I nodded. Nana Walked in slowly. I got out of bed and ran to her. "Nana! you okay!!" I said hugging her tightly. "Hi little LayLay your gonna be living with me for awhile" She said. I nodded. "You'll be able to leave when your grandma is better" Said the doctor. I nodded.
~Two Days Later~
"Are you ready to leave this stupid place?"Asked Adien. I laughed and nodded. Adien handed me some clothes he brought from my house. I changed into them. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a Dot Dot Cruve T-Shrit. I put my hair up into a pony tail and walked out to Nana,Adien, And Cody who was waiting for me. Once we got home I ploped down on the couch. I replayed that night over and over in my head. I sighed. "Wow...It's must really suck being parnetless" I heard Seth (Another pack member) Seth means well but most of the time puts his foot in his mouth. I sighed again. "Oh my. I must of mad it wrose I'm so sorry" Said Seth sitting down next to me. I looked at Seth it looked like he was about to cry. I knew my parnet were like his too, and that it hurt him as much as it hurt me. I sighed. "I'm tried, let me take a nap" I said to Seth queitly. Seth nodded and walked out the living room. I layed back. I replayed what had happened, from meeting Damien to right now. Everything seemed worse now then it probaly was then. I fell asleep. I woke up screaming loudly. Adien ran in. "What happen!?!?" Adien yelled, quickly turning around and checking everywhere for Damien or Jhon. Adien sighed then sat down at the end of the couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wraped my arms around them to make more room for Adien. "Whats wrong?" He asked worried. I looked at him sadly. "I had a nightmare" I said. "What was it about?" He asked. I told him how I was laying on my bed reading when Damien and Jhon came in my room from my window. They were talking about how if I don't give in other people close to me will die. Adien looked anger when I was done telling him what happen. "I have to tell grandma. I'll be right back" Adien said then got up and walked into the living room. -I love you guys I'm not going to let anyone hurt you guys- I thought. I got up and walked up stairs to my bedroom. I walked in and looked around to see if anyone was waiting to jump out at me. I walked to my dress and pulled out a Adien shrit and black and white baggy shorts. I got dress, put a little bit of eyeliner on and black converes. I Grabed my iPod to make it look like I was going for a jog. I Put my hair into a pony. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I put my headphones in and put a song on. It was Darling by Eyes Set To Kill. I Started walking now. I looked around the road. -God that stupid dream has me nevrous- I thought. I started running again. I ran down a dark alley. I ran to the shed were everything started to change my whole life. I walked into the shed. "Ahh my Lay-Lay what brings you here?" I heard Jhon. "What do you think? You stupid jerk" I snapped. Jhon laughed. I could feel gosebumps rise on my skin. -This isn't going to trun out well- I thought. I heard another laugh. I sounded filmmer, but not in a bad way. Then I noticed why it was filmmer. I felt my heart drop. "Al-Alexander?" I yelped out in shock. I heard him laugh again. His laugh gave me the chills. I didn't make me happy like it dose, it acttully scared me. "So you came here to save your family? Your still just the same as you were before" Said Jhon. I felt strong hands wrap slowly around my neck. I started to cry. I felt bad for everything I did wrong. I wish I Could of said good-bye to the people I cared about the most. My face was all wet from tears. Then I noticed that noone choked me. I didn't feel hands around my neck anymore either. I felt warm, welcoming arms wrap around me. I smelled died rust like smell. Blood. I opened my eyes. I saw Adien's beatiful Purple-Sliver eyes. I looked down and saw Jhon,Alexander,and Damien's bodys with blood everywhere. I was so shocked. "You killed them?!?!" I Said looking up at Adien. Adien looked as shocked as I Felt. "You killed them. When we got here they were dead already and you were just standing there crying" Said Adien. I felt my mouth drop. "I didn't do this! I couldn't of. Could I?" I Said. -I couldn't of killed them. Its impossable- I thought. "No Lay-Lay you killed them" Said Adien. "I think it's best we get you to bed." I heard Cody. We started walking out of the shed. "Don't ever do that again okay" Said Adien. "I wasn't going to let them hurt or kill you guys. You guys are all I have what would I do after they killed you? I sure wouldn't of went to a Adpotion Center" I said. Adien laughed. "Or was it 'cause you didn't want to lose Adien?" Asked Cody making kissing faces and sounds. I laughed. I stoped and trun to Adien. I stood on my tippie toes and kissed him. "Oh go get a room." I heard Cody say. I laughed. We started walking again. My hand was in Adien's. When we walked into the house. Everyone was hugging me and saying how I shouldn't of done that. I looked around Seth. Seth was sitting at the Dinning table. I sat down next to him and hugged him tightly. "Your like a brother to me and I shouldn't of been a jerk when you tried to cheer me up" I said. Seth hugged me back. "It's okay" He said. I Smiled.
~Next Day~
I woke up in my bed. I took a shower. I put on gray skinny jeans, a black tutu and a white shrit that say scream. I Brushed my hair and then teased the top. I put eyeliner and a pretty pink lip gloss on. I Slipped on dark gary converes on. I walked down stairs. "Ready Lay-Lay?" Asked Adien. I grabed my Gray back-pack and waited at the door. Adien kissed me when got to the door. We walked to school hand-in-hand. Raven was waiting for us outside like always. When Raven saw our hands her mouth droped then she smiled. " 'Bout time you guys went out" Said Raven. "And it's about time you get a boyfriend" I said. Raven rolled her eyes then laughed. I kissed Adien again. We all walked into the school.
~At Lunch~
We were all hanging out laughing. "Your Lilayha Right?" I heard a guy ask. I looked up. "Maybe whos asking?" I said. "Alexander's older Brother." He Said. My heart dropped and my mouth dried. "Okay are we suspose to care?" Adien jumped in. Alexander's brother glared at Adien. "Well Alexander didn't come home last night. He wouldn't stop talking about you so I figured you would know were he is" Said Alexander's brother. "Nope Sorry." I said. "Okay" Said Alexanders Brother and he walked away. I looked at Adien. Adien grabed my hand and squeezed it.
~.*The End*.~
Hope You Liked It. Yea I'm Talking Bout You xD

⋰So I refuse to live up to it's expectations⋱[/size:5b66e2462c][/align:5b66e2462c]

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