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Behind these Blue eyes
Part3 of mine story ^_^
Arnaricks eyes shot open and he sat up. He was no longer in his dragon form. He looked around the room. there was O'relik standing in the corner of the room he looked angry.
"what is the matter O'relik?"Arnarick asked. the man just looked at him and shook his head.
"I cant believe he is a traiter." O'relik said,"I knew there was something wrong with him when he brought that damned elf in here."
Arnarick was confused Elf? Traiter? Whom was O'relik talking about. O'relik must of understood the look on Arnaricks face so he decided to tell him.
"Kai. He is a traitor I saw him with my own eyes Kidnapped the princess and ran off with her. Then I ran outside and noticed you wrapped in a drakonlace. Which tells me you were only a victem. Well he had the nerve to show back up and deni the fact of what he did. The nerve of him."O'relik said slamming his fist into the wall. Arnarick looked at him then begun thinking over what all happened before he was knocked out. He remembered yes the man looked like Kai but it wasnt Kai. but yet he was too scared to tell O'relik for fear he himself would be considered a traitor. O'relik looked atr him his eyes softened,"How do you feel we managed to get the drakonlace off quickly but I don't know how much damage it had done o you?"
Arnarick looked down at his arms which had burn marks on them,"I am ok my body just stings a little thats all. May go to my room please I would like to be alone."
O'relik laughed,"I would to after being saved by that trator."
Arnarick grimaced. He hated hearing kai being talked badly about,"where are you holding him?" arnarick asked,"Just out of curiousity incase i would like to spit in his face."Arnarick lied. O'relik laughed.
"We have him held down in the dungion next to the soldier stable."Arnarick nodded then got off the bed he was laying on.
"I am going o my room. And thank you for everything." Arnarick said. then he walked out the door.Tears filled his eyes he wanted to help but he was too scared to. He had to help Kai but how. he ran to his room and slamed the door behind him.

Meanwhile in the dungion Kai was sitting on the bed in the cell he was in woundering what the hell happend.
"I dun get it kidnapped the princess? Me? I would never. I promised I would help protect her. and where does it land me? In the dungion. Where the hell is Arnarick he would know it wasnt me i was dropped off on the cliff me and the guys earlier had jumped off." KAi siad to himself. All of a sudden oone of the guards came down into the dungion.
"You are lucky boy the draklord lives If he would have died you would have to die also." The soldier sneered. Kai's eyes widend.
"What happend to Arnarick?" Kai asked. The soldier frowned at him
"oh like you dont know!" The soldier sneered at him. Kai just shook his head.
"Honestly what happened to him!"Kai asked. Then he heard a very familiar voice from another cell.
"He got strapped with Drakonlace he was lucky to survive Kai. What the hell made you do that to him?"It was Arlin. Kai's heart sunk when he heard what had happened to Arnarick his heart sunk even more when his best friend even accused him of doing it,"And where the hell is she Kai?"
"Arlin How could you?" It was another of his friends it was Ryan this time,"How could you possibly think it was Kai he would never and how dare you you are supposed to be his best friend!"
"Thanx Ryan I wish I knew where the princess was I honestly dun know."
"Oh come off it Kai I saw you take her!"Arlin acused again.
"Honestly Arlin I didnt do it I swear." Kai said his eyes were tearing he wiped the tears away,"Arlin I thought you were my best friend I would never have acused you of such a crime if you were in my shoes." Kai went over to the bed in his cell and flopped down on it. His world was beginning to crash down on him and he was loseing more and more each day it seemed.
"Kai I doubt he means it!"Ryan said.
"Oh shut up he does mean it It was all my fault anyways I dun know how but it was my fault all us ending up here was my fault all thebad s**t that has happend is somehow my fault THe princess getting kidnapped is my . DAMN IT I JUST ******** WANNA GO HOME!!!!!" KAI screamed.

Meanwhile up in his room even arnarick heard the shouting. His heart was sinking for he knew it wasnt Kais faul the princess was missing it was the other Kai. He got up off his bed and begun to head out the door of his bedroom and down the stairs towards the dungions where kai was being held. Then he begun to run. It wasnt his fault and hopw could i be such a coward iam supposed to be loyal to him! I must prove to them it wasnt Kai it was the other kai. Arnarick thought to himself. Finally he reached the Dungion. He looked around and in one cell Kai was sobbing. In another his friends were argueing with eachother. Kai's friendRyan looked over and grinned.
"Arnarick you look great how are you feeling." When ryan said that Kai looked up and just turned around and sobbed even harder. THis confused Arnarick.
"He is lucky he is even walking after what Kai did to him!"Arlin said. Arnarick frowned.
"It wasnt Kai Arlin." Arnarick said. Everyone looked at Arnarick with suprise other then Arlin that Arnarick knew arlins real name.
"What do you mean it wasnt the trator Kai sir Draklord?" the soldier said. Arnarick looked at him then frowned even worse.
"I dont know how it is possible but there are two Kai's There is this Kai and then there was the Kai that kidnapped the princess."Arnarick said. Arlin stuck his tongue out at Ryan.
"Told you it was Kai."
"No it wasnt Kai it was the other Kai."Arnarick said,"It is complicated but I had just dropped this Kai off on a cliff and another Kai jumped on my back he was different he spoke much differently and his hair was white but he looked just like Kai. He was the one that took Princess Kaylana!"Arnarick said. Arlin Raised an eyebrow and KAi's sobbing was being less and less heardable. Hte guard looked at Arnarick.
"You mustof seen wrong young Draklord sir O'relik said it was this man!" the soldier said. Arnarick frowned again. then he went over to Kai's cell and broke it open the guard started yelling at Arnarick and Kai's friends Jaws dropped as they watched what Arnarick was doing.
"I will prove to you it wasnt this kai!" Arnarick said as he picked Kai up in his arms. Kai just looked at Arnarick with his teary eyes in mock confusion. Kai was speechless as Arnarick ran out of the dungion with him in his arms.
"Arnarick I dun understand?" Kai said rubbing th etears from his face. Arnarick looked at him and smiled.
"Honestly Kai when in my dragonform I can distinguish between peoples scent and he might have looked like you but he didnt smell like you." Anarick said tapping his nose. THne he flug Kai up into the air and quickly transformed having Kai land on his back.
"Dun ever do that again please." Kai said after hitting arnaricks back,"It hurts."
Arnarick gave a huge dragonish smile
I am sorry I will keep in mind when in that form it would hurt there. He mentaly said to Kai then Kai got a mental smile from Arnarick. THen they heard screaming Kai turned around and there was the soldier with O'relik right behind him.
"I think he has warped the draklords mind sir!" the soldier screamed. O'relik came running after tehm and he drew his sword and pulled out this huge shiney leather.
"Draklord I demand you let that traitor off your back I really dont want to have to use this!"O'relik screamed. Arnarick turned his head around then shook his huge dragon head.
I will prove to you old warrior that it wasnt this Kai whom kidnapped the princess! Arnarick mentally shouted to everyone. Then he released a huge ball of fire creating a huge smoke cloud and then proceeded to flap his wings then he took off into the sky. O'relik coughed and coughed and when the smoke cleared both kai and arnarick were gone.

They flew and flew until night fall when Arnarick finally landed umungst a forest of trees.
"Arnarick I have a question for you?'Kai siad hopping off the dragons back. Arnarick quickly transformed back to human form and quickly put the spare clothing he had on.
"Yes what is it Kai?"
"Do you really know where they took the princess? I mean I sure in hell dun." Kai said picking up some wood for a fire. Arnarick just grined.
"Kai do you really understand what a telepath can do?" Arnarick smiled. Kai looked at arnarick and blinked a couple times then shrugged his shoulders.
"Duh a telepath can read......minds ah I see you read the guys mind and found out where he was going to take her huh?" Kai asked grinning. Arnarick just nodded. Then Kai layed the wood he picked up down in a pile. Arnarick grinned at Kai then took a deep breath and flames came out lighting the wood on fire. Kai's eyes opened wide,"I thought you could only breath fire when in dragon form?"
Arnarick laughed, Yah and you also didnt know I can send images through my mind to yours. the thought coursed through Kai's mind then fallowed by a very clear imaged of a huge building surrounded by trees.
"What the hell was that place?" Kai asked.
"Telto shrine! It is a sacred place of the elves that is where the princess is." Arnarick said throwing a little mopre wood on the fire. All of a sudden both men heard a small voice crying for help.
"Help get it away HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!" the little voice said. Kai looked at Arnarick and Arnarick nodded then they ran after the little voice. The ran and ran till they saw a little red headed farie with a huge blackish cat like creature looking at it as if it were dinner. Arnarick's whole body glew and his hair begun to stick up on end.
"Alshunen eskarba eturaben!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Arnarick shouted. Kai cocked an eye brow as he watched the draklord. Then a huge meteor shot down landing on the cratures tail. It yowled in pain then ran off. The little farie looked at both of them then flew into the trees to hide.
"What the hell was that?" Kai asked looking at Arnarick. Arnarick looked at him with confusion.
"Simple magic Kai obviously it is as if you really didnt read that book. All Draklords are magic trained especially when you are in a way royalty."Arnarick said. Then he walked over to the tree the little farie flew up into. Kai shook his head. Obviously Arnarick knew he read the book he could read his thoughts but it still was kind of a shock after he realized Arnarick read it.
"Come on out little one we arent here to harm you. After all you did hollar for help did you not?"Arnarick said looking up into the tree.
"How do I know you just chased it off and want to eat me yourself?" a little voice said coming from the tree. Arnarick laughed.
"Little one Draklords do not eat Faries." Arnarick said.
"How do I know he wont eat me he isnt a draklord." the little voice said.
"I wont eat you. I am allergic to farie wings they make me swell up badly."Kai lied. Arnarick stiffled a laughed.
"Well how do I really know you are a draklord?" THe little voice went back to the unsurlyness it had. Then Arnarick stepped back from the tree.
"Eshternetly aburnastin exartinly afternish."arnarick said then a bright light shined and highpitched whistle like sound shook the air. Kai cupped his hands over his ears. Then a little bugle was heard and a flash of white with green flew past Kai's head and a little tiny Dragon like creature landed on Arnaricks arm,"Only Draklords know the words to call their little cousins." Arnarick said winking at Kai. Then the little faries flew out of the tree and over to the little dragon.
"And faries too. Drakos are my favorite creatures they are sooo fasinating." the little farie said,"By the way my name is Daish. I am the farie of flames but unfortionatly I am low on my magic that Kirooni sucked me almost dry." the little guy said.
"Kirooni? I dun think i have heard of those before?" Kai said. Arnarick looked at him then said something softly to the little dragon and it flew off.
"A Kirooni was that creature we just saw it is one of the most fowlist creatures around they can take the shape of any kind of cute animal and it will get close to a magical creature and then suck them dry of their magic essence. THe shape that one took was a Kityoon. Much like the cats of your planet." Arnarick said then he held out his palm to the farie so he could land on his hand and rest. Hte farie landed and then walked up Arnaricks arm to his shoulder,"We should get back to camp."
Kai nodded then headed back in the direction they came. Daish looked at Arnarick then at Kai and then sat down on Arnaricks shoulder.
"So what are you two doing in the Danati forest?" Daish asked.
"We are just stopping for the night then we are off to the Telto Shrine." Kai said. Daish looked at him with shock.
"Why on foliks three suns would you wanna go there for?" Daish said. his wings gave a nervous flutter.
"Because we must save Princess Kaylana from the evil Arshalan. He had gotten a look a like of my friend Kai here and kidnapped her so where her kingdom would think it was Kai whom did it." Arnarick said. The little farie looked at Arnarick with Surprise he himself had heard of the horror stories of anyone who had gone against Arshalan. Sudden Death.
"ARE YOU MENTAL?"Daish asked,"Going against Arshalan will surely get you both killed." He said with another nervous flutter of his wings. Kai nodded his head.
"Maybe we will or maybe we wont ever thought of that?"Kai said with a grin. Then they entered the clearing where their fire was. Daish looked at kai then flew over to his shoulder and sat. He looked at Kai then looked at Arnarick.
"You arent from around folik are you?" Kai looked at the little farie.
"Why is it that obvious?" Kai said with a roll of his eyes. Daish looked at him confusion showing on his face. Kai looked at him and chuckled, "Sorry everyone tends to notice that before anything else about me."
"Odd."Daish said,"Well Since you boys are going on an interesting journey I wannna help I know some sneaky entrences to Telto Shrine."
Arnarick looked at the fire then blew somemore fire onto the burning wood to burn it better. Then he looked at the little farie,"Well if you wanna come with us you should help out around camp before we go. Go find some Fire wood for me please since you know this forest so Well."
Daish's jaw dropped,"I am almost out of magic and you want me to waste my energy searching for firewood?" Arnarick looked at the farie then laughed.
"Estrukono." Arnarick said then daish started glowing and he fell to the ground.
"What did you do kill him?" Kai said about to pick the farie up. arnarick laughed.
"Nope just restored all his magic."
"Oh. okay." Kai said shrugging his shoulders and left the farie on the ground. Daish opened up his eyes and looked around expecting to pe tied up and over an open fire.
"What in Foliks 2 moons did you do to me?"
"Shoot some fire farie since you are the farie of flames are you not?"Arnarick said. pointing to their dieing fire.
"I told you I cant I have barely any Magic left." Daish said. Arnarick glared evily at the farie Diash gulped then coughed a little and cleared his throat,"alright but it is my funeral just dont expect to be able to get into the Shrine without me." he sighed then cleared his throat again. then he begun to glow red a little then a huge firebolt shot out of his tiny little hands and made the fire they had burning grow to an enormous extent. The farie looked at his hands with surprise. Arnarick started to laugh,"Whats so funny? And what did you do to me?"
Arnarick looked at the farie and chuckled a little bit more then explained,"I restored your magic little one Like I said we would not harm you and eat you."
Kai looked around at the darkening woods and yawned,"Hey arnarick I think we should get some shut eye. I am bushed." He said then rolled over on his side. Daish looked at Arnarick with the look of confusion on his face again,"Shut eye? Bushed? What in Foliks 2 moons is that supposed to mean?"
"I believe it means let us sleep I am tired." Arnarick shrugged. Daish shrugged his shoulders also.
"hmm shall we sleep are you sure it is safe to sleep?" Daish said then his wings started to flutter nervously. Arnarick grinned.
"I am sure little one it will be safe i am an extreamly light sleeper."
kai kinda stuffled a laughed,"Then how did they catch you?" Daish's wings begun fluttering more nervously. Arnaricks grin became a frown.
I heard them coming and I started to take off but they threw a drakonlace on me. It wasnt my fault." Arnarick grabbed his knee's and drew them closer and gave a shudder,"I hate drakonlaces."
Daish looked at Arnarick and gave a apollogetic look. And Kai rolled over,"I am sorry Aarnarick I was meaning it as a joke I didnt know." He sat up then went over to Arnarick and drew him close. I have an Idea Hows about we have Gelbes take guard Princess Kaylana said when ever I want to I can barrow him." Arnarick looked at him and agave a half grin.
"I guess thatwill be fine." Arnarick said
"Who is Gelbes?"Daish asked. Kai gave a little half grin himself.
"A charak or are you scared of them too?" Daishes wings flutter more nervously now.
"Charaks like to eat small creatures like me." Kai gave a small laugh.
"I doubt Gelbes would eat you here I'll prove it." Kai said then he gave a sharp whistle the little farie cupped his ears because it was very loud for his little ears. A few seconds later a charak scream was heard. daish's eyes grew wide and he hid under Arnaricks tunic he was wearing. Arnarick looked down and saw the little farie shaking. He knew the farie was scared. He tried to supress the chuckle he let out but he couldn't. The bird flew down and landed next to kai and nuzzled him. Kai patted the bird on the head, "Gelbes will you do us a favor? Will you take watch as we sleep please? Then tomarrow we go and rescue you master sound good?" The bird just nodded and gave a little coo then nudged him and Kai chuckled patting it on the head pulling a piece ofdried meat he had on him out and giving it to the bird. Then he looked at Arnarick and grinned.
"Little one we can now get some sleep."Arnarick said looking down his tunic at the littel farie. Daish's wings flutter nervously then he flew slowly out of Arnaricks tunic.
"Are you sure he wont eat me?"daish asked. the bird looked at him and cooed a little. daish froze as the bird looked at him.
"I am sure Daish it is ok he wont hurt you now lets get some shut eye." Kai said laying down. He motioned to Arnarick to lay with him, Arnarick nodded and walked over and layed down with Kai and huddled close. Daish cocked an eye brown and flew over and landed on Kai's side and layed down drawing a piece of Kai's tunic over him to keep him warm. Gelbes cooed then took off into the sky to keep his watch ful eye out for danger.
The next morning Kai woke up to find no one there. He sat up scratching his side he looked around and still nobody he gave the sharp shrill whistle that he had used the night before to call gelbes and no answer. Kai was becoming worried He stood up and stretched then walked out of the camp, Maybe they are at the river Daish was talking about last night. Kai thought then he headed in the direction Daish had said it was in. He walked and walked and finally reached the river but it wasnt a river it was a stream. Well leave it to a little farie they think probably a hill was a mountain Kai thought. He looked around but still no one around well nobody but the occasional birds and squirrels. Well I hope those are squirrels cuzz if not then what the hell are those? Kai thought as the fluffy little creature ran by. Kai let out a deep sigh then knelt down on the side of the bank of the stream then proceeded to wash his face.
"Okay this is becoming worrysome. Where the hell are they?" Kai said aloud then he looked down in the water and saw a blueish white form fly over head Kai looked up to see nothing but a tail. He sighed again.,"Probably wasnt him anyways." Kai got off his knees and headed back in the direction of camp. Kai pondered the whole way back to camp on why they had left him He begun to think maybe Arshalan had captured them and wanted him to go back to the kingdom and be held there so he wont be anyboth and make people think he had brought Arnarick to Arshalan. But why would he capture Daish? Maybe so that Daish would not vouche for the trueth. Kai sighed again and reached the camp site he sat down where he had slept. He then layed back down and looked up to the sky. Well I am not gonna go back I will just go save the princess on my own. And if he did capture Arnarick and Daish I will save them too. All of a sudden a snap of some twigs snapped Kai out of his thoughts. Then he heard Laughter it was Arnaricks laugh Kai sat up quickly and sure enough came both Arnarick and Daish out of the brush.
"Honestly Kai you thought we had abandond you?" Arnarick chuckled. Kai frowned Daish too was giggleing.
"Well what the hell do you expect when I wake up and no one is around not even Gelbes." Kai snapped then he bit his lip,"Sorry I was worried I admit that." then Kai noticed what was in Arnaricks hands,"What the hell is that?"
"Hell? What is Hell?" Daish said cocking an eyebrow. Arnarick chuckled.
"Hell is a bad place where he comes from it is also used in terms like what in Foliks 2 moons." Arnarick said looking at the little farie. THen he looked at Kai," It is a Okturn. Kind of like your planets wild pig." Kai nodded.
"I see ok are they edible?" Arnarick couldnt help but laugh.
"Of course they are edible I wouldnt have caught it if it werent edible."
Kai looked at it questioningly but said nothing he just sighed and poked the dieing fire with a near by stick. Then he looked up at Arnarick and then back down at the fire. Diash noticed the look then chuckled.
"I'll do the honor." He said then he lifted his hands and a warm feeling enveloped him as he drew energy from within. Then a big fire begun to burn where it once was dieing. Kai sat back as the flames nearly burned his eyebrows off.
"Cutting it a little close are we?" Kai said looking at the little farie both of them looking at each other with laughter in their eyes. THen they bursted out laughing. Arnarick joined in. THeir faces turning red from lack of air. Then they looked at eachother chuckling trying to calm eachother down but it wasnt working very well. Then Arnarick looked at both Daish and Kai.
"I believe since it is an hour after sun up we should get going." Kai nodded still trying to calm his laughter. Daish was the same. His wings flutters even showed his happyness. but they sort of stopped when Arnarick suggested them to leave.
"alright....I...wil show you the way." Daish said still kind of chuckling. THen he fluttered off in a direction Kai and Arnarick followed after. Arnarick light on his feet and Kai stumbling after. They ran and ran finally Daish had stopped at a tree and waited for them, "Catch your breath it will take me a while to do the barkcode."
Kai begun to chuckle. Daish raised an eyebrow and gave a funny look to Kai,"And what is so funny?"
KAi just looked at the little farie and shook his head,"Nothing really except that back where I come from we say barcode and it means something totally different." Kai said then he bent down and picked up a stick and begun doodleing in the dirt with it. Arnarick looked down at what Kai was drawing and he gasped. Daish looked back then at arnarick.
"What's your problem?" he said poking at the tree then he looked down at what Kai was drawing."It looks like nothing but lines to me."
Arnarick shook his head,"Arshalan had one of those on his shoulder from what I remember and anyone whom works for him ends up with one of those on them too."

Meanwhile back in the dungeon Arlin started humming to himself. Ryan looked at Arlin and just glared followed by Darce,Lucy and Len. Then he looked at Ryan and winked,"Took him long enough to take off." Ryan just cocked an eyebrow then grinned.
"You didnt?" Arlins grin just grew.
"You forget that I have known Kai since We were tots." he said winking again. THen they all started to laugh then the guard turned around yelling at them to shut up. Then Arlin started to hum the popular Backstreet boy song of which backstreet boy isgay then they all started to laugh then Arlin blurted out,"Which stupid Guard is gay? Ok they're all gay."to the tune of the song thenthey all started to laugh again then the guard turned arounda yelled at them again. Arlin just laughed.

While back in the forest Daish finally got the code in right. then a door opened in the tree he was poking at.

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